the hangout [eduardo and tom]

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little: eduardo
cg: tom
this was requested by silvacado so i hope you like it <3

it was a regular afternoon. tom had decided that he would invite eduardo over, even though he didn't like him that much. but he thought "hey, why not give him a chance? he might be nice once you get to know him." and went along with his plan.
eduardo accepted the offer, even though his neighbours weren't really on good terms with him. but there was one problem: what if he slipped into little space while hanging out? would they just laugh at his face? the worst thing was, he regressed to around the age of 1, so if they noticed him little, they would just assume he was a big baby. he was nervous, but packed up his bags anyway.
he arrived at the house, and tom immediately answered the door. "hey eduardo! come on in!" he exclaimed. enthusiastically, eduardo went inside.
he then unzipped his bag, which had some cans of diet cola, his phone, his sketchbook, his art supplies, and for little space, a rattle, a bottle, a frog stuffie, a paci, his favourite toy, and 2 diapers, just in case. trying to hide it, he grabbed some diet cola and drank it, as he listened to tom talk.
"so then matt went out and brought some random hair spray at the guy, and then-" as he listened, he slowly felt more and more little. he couldn't help it, that was the way he was. he started bouncing his leg on the couch. he then asked to go get a snack, but as he went to the kitchen, his walking just turned into wobbling. "uhm, eduardo, why are you walking like that?" tom asked. "uhh... i'm just nervous, heh, first time being here..!" he said.
but as he walked back, he fell down! he dropped the snack too, and he started to cry. "eduardo, I don't think a little fall is going to kill you," said tom, as he didn't know why eduardo was acting like this. "i got a boo boo..." he said in his little voice. tom was confused, he wasn't a toddler. tom sighed, and went to look for a bandaid, as eduardo whined and sobbed.
tom put the bandaid on him, and eduardo felt better. "my boo boo went bye bye!" he giggled. "oh uhm... that's nice," tom didn't know how to respond.
that's when eduardo started crawling onto the couch, but that's when he realized tom was right there. he immediately stopped, waiting for tom to kick him out. and that's tom realized: eduardo was regressed. "why didn't i notice earlier?!" he thought; he used to be a caregiver. he went over to eduardo, and said softly, "are you regressed baby?" eduardo was shocked, but went along with it. "mhm..." "mark and jon don't weally understand i-it..."
poor fella, tom didn't think mark and jon would find it cute. he then had an idea: "do you want me to be your dada?"
immediately, eduardo got excited. he would have a caregiver! "yeah yeah!!"
tom chuckled, and nodded. he then went over to his bag, and he took out his paci, a blankie, and his stuffed frog.
with eduardo's permission, tom proceeded to change him, and got eduardo comfy on the couch. eduardo had his paci, he was wrapped up in his favourite blankie, and he also had his frog stuffie by his side, as tom read him his favourite book. eduardo felt happy, and tom felt happy too.
"i wuv you dada..." said eduardo. this put tom on cloud nine. "i love you too baby boy." he smiled. he decided to let eduardo stay with him, as this would make him feel better. this was probably the best day of eduardo's life.

637 words, i hope you enjoy it :] <3

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