guilt [eduardo and jon]

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little: eduardo
cg: jon
⚠️TW⚠️ this will have angst.

jon was sitting on the couch, watching his shows. he had just recently got yelled at by eduardo, for accidentally forgetting to do the dishes. jon questioned why eduardo had to be so harsh on him. it wasn't as if he was a COMPLETE idiot. he was just light headed and jolly. but somehow, that didn't seem to go through eduardo's head, and he let out all of his anger on jon. jon just blankly stared at the tv, wondering why he had to live with a man like him.
meanwhile, eduardo was in his room. he was playing with a stuffed dinosaur, and he had on a pair of dark green footy pajamas, with a green pacifier in his mouth. being a little was what helped eduardo deal with his anger issues. but unfortunately for him, that didn't take away the guilt of being a hard, angry man. he always wondered why he had to be the way he was, yelling at his roommate jon, constantly berating his neighbours. he just wanted some attention from people, but he was expressing his need for it in a negative way. "why do i have to be so cruel to everybody..." he said to himself. "i just wanna be happy..."
suddenly, eduardo broke his silence. "I WILL NEVER BE LOVED BY ANYONE! ALL I AM IS AN ANGRY MAN WHO HATES EVERYONE! WHY CAN'T I JUST IMPROVE MY BEHAVIOUR..." after yelling this, he started loudly crying. nearly everyone in the house could hear him, even a small dot-eyed man sitting on the couch...
jon immediately heard the noise. even though eduardo treated him so awfully, he still cared a lot about his wellbeing. that was one of jon's good qualities. he went to eduardo's room, calling his name, but when he opened the door, the thing that caught his attention was the bawling little on the bedroom floor.
jon immediately knew that eduardo regressed when he saw him in his little state. it was pretty obvious. "eduardo, baby boy..." said jon in a soft voice. eduardo looked at jon, and started bawling louder. jon immediately went over and gave him some cuddles, while whispering sweet nothings in his ear. "baby, you are loved by everyone... i know you can be pretty aggressive at times, but dada will always forgive you for it."
eduardo immediately looked up at jon when he said "dada". jon smiled at him gently. he then noticed eduardo's paci, it fell out of his mouth while he was crying. jon picked it up, and offered it to eduardo, who gratefully took the paci and put it back in his mouth.
"jon.." eduardo said, his voice kinda muffled because of the paci. jon said a small "hm?", genuinely curious about what he had to say. "i sowwy for being meanie... it was wong of me, and i wan' you to fowgwive me..."
jon was shocked when eduardo apologized. normally, eduardo would just rub it off like it was nothing, but this time, even though he was little, he really seemed to mean it. "...apology accepted." said jon with a smile on his face, and the two of them hugged each other, with eduardo crying happy tears.
after the hug, both the two of them felt better, jon especially. he knew eduardo had a kind heart, and he was hiding it through the darkness inside him. "dada..." he said again. "yes baby boy?" jon replied. "you wan' pway wit me...?" eduardo asked in a gentle voice. jon thought this was adorable, and he knew he wanted to say yes. he didn't want eduardo to cry again. "why yes my little numero uno, we can play." eduardo happily cooed, which put a smile on jon's face.
for the rest of the evening, the two of them were playing with stuffed animals, having the time of their lives. this was probably the best day of both of their lives.

666 words, omg scary number /hj

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