fighting [eduardo, jon and mark]

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littles: eduardo and jon
cg: mark
haven't rly wrote a 2 little oneshot so this will be interesting

it was the middle of the afternoon. mark was on the couch, listening to music. eduardo and jon were in their rooms. they were having their naps. ever since both of them came out to mark that they were regressors, mark has always thought of them as his own precious babies. he would do anything for them, they were that special.
suddenly, eduardo squealed from his room. nap time was over. mark took off his earbuds and went to go get both of them.
he walked into eduardo's room to find a giggling little. he had his stuffed frog with him, along with a cute green shirt, plus a diaper. both of them regressed to babies (my personal hc 🤭) so this made sense. "well good morning my little numero uno!" mark said happily. "dada!" eduardo replied. "did you sleep good?" said mark. eduardo nodded as mark carried him.
he then went to jon's room, where jon was just slowly waking up. he was wearing a nearly identical outfit to eduardo's, except his shirt was blue. he also had a stuffed bird. "good morning, sleepy head," mark chuckled, as jon looked up with a sleepy face. mark carried the both of them into the living room.
mark sat the babies down onto the floor as he got a toy for them. the toy was one of those where you had these shapes, and you put the shapes into the correct hole that it fit in. mark thought it would be fun for them to play it.
eduardo went first. he had a heart shape. he was just about to put it in the hole, when jon tried to take it. jon didn't really understand what sharing or taking turns was. "mmmmm! noooo..." whined eduardo. mark saw what was happening. he looked at jon. "now jon, eduardo has the heart. when he takes his turn, then you can have a turn. when you have your turn, then eduardo has his." he explained. jon seemed to understand that.
as eduardo had his turn, jon's turn came next. he put the star shape into the correct hole. then he took another shape. and another shape. eduardo started whining again, as he tried to take the toy back so he could have his turn. but jon clutched onto it. "uh oh," mark thought. "this won't end well."
"mine!" eduardo squeaked. "mine!" jon replied. they tugged and pulled on the toy, until bonk! jon hit eduardo on the head with one of the shapes! immediately eduardo started wailing. "jon! no!" said mark sternly. "that was not nice! that hurt eduardo."
mark sat jon down onto time out. jon kept whining, but mark said that if he didn't wanna be on time out, then he shouldn't hurt eduardo. jon was upset, but he didn't escape.
meanwhile, eduardo was fussy. he kicked his legs on the couch and whined and whimpered. "i know eduardo, it's ok.." said mark softly. eduardo gurgled and whined in response. mark carried him and put him on his lap. that's when he realized a little something. mark had to go to the bathroom, because eduardo had to have his diaper changed. mark carried eduardo to the bathroom immediately.
meanwhile, jon was slowly starting to feel bad for what he did to eduardo. he didn't mean to hurt him. he just got mad, and he let it out in a aggressive manner. he decided that he would apologize to him for what he did.
mark was just finishing changing eduardo. as he did, he decided that he would end jon's punishment. both jon and eduardo got along great, after all, so he knew jon felt bad for what he did.
he went to jon, with eduardo in his arms. "jon, you can get out of time out, but first, you have to apologize to eduardo," he said softly. jon immediately apologized, and hugged eduardo. eduardo hugged him back. mark thought it was adorable; they always had each other by their side, even when they fought. the two babies started playing together again, but this time they were happier. mark adored every second of it, he was happy they were getting along again.

716 words :3

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