trip [edd and matt]

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little: edd
cg: matt
this was requested by hman2009 so i hope you enjoy <3

matt and edd were on a trip to the football field. they were going there to get some time out of the house. they just.. needed a break from the beautiful indoors, y'know?
as matt was driving, edd was just in the passenger seat, looking out the window. it was a pretty sight to see, there were birds, trees, plants, and also, another thing in particular that really caught edd's attention: a butterfly.
the butterfly was a pretty emerald green colour. and since green was edd's favourite colour, obviously, this got him excited. another thing that happened when he saw the butterfly? he started slipping into his little space. that was something he definitely should've kept private, but he just.. couldn't help it.
matt was still driving as edd noticed the butterfly. edd was squealing "utterby! utterby!" which left matt REALLY confused. why was edd pronouncing that word like that? did he think it was funny?
matt asked him that, to which he replied with "nwo, but utterby pwetty!"
but this didn't give matt any answers at all. all that did was confuse him even more. why was he talking like this?
edd then started giggling like a child. "heh.. edd, you sound like your 4 years old again.." said matt jokingly. "hehehehe!" edd giggled. you gotta admit, his giggling was adorable.
but then, THAT'S when it clicked in matt's head. if edd was giggling LIKE a child, then it's possible that he could be REGRESSING to a child. was this true? yes, it was. and when this realization clicked in matt's head, he suddenly got an idea.
"hey edd, do you still wanna go to the football field buddy? we're almost there!" he said. edd said yes almost immediately.
when they arrived, matt helped edd out of the car. edd got out the second matt helped him, and he ran around the football field. seeing edd run around the football field enthusiastically gave matt an idea for a game. matt would pretend to be a monster, and when he caught up to edd, he would tickle him real silly.
matt then got into his best "monster form and voice" (not literally). "rawrrrr!! i'm a monster and i'm going to get you, edd!" said matt in a fake scary voice. when edd heard this, he squealed excitedly, and ran around the football field all over again. matt chased after him, pretending to be the monster, making occasional growls and roars every once in a while.
when matt caught him, they fell on the soft grass, as matt tickled edd. "hahaha, i got you now, edd!" said matt in the monster voice. edd was giggling and laughing the entire time. matt was proud of himself for coming up with this game, and for making edd happy.
for the rest of the day, until it got dark, matt and edd kept happily playing with each other, simply enjoying themselves.

502 words, i hope you enjoy ^^

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