brattiness [tom and matt]

211 6 10

little: tom
cg: matt
this was requested by AlieIsAAlien so i hope you enjoy <3

matt and tom were at the grocery store. tom was sitting in the cart. y'know, the seat where babies sat. and matt was pushing the cart, buying the groceries. after tom had came out to matt that he was a regressor, matt immediately thought it was the most adorable thing ever. he swore to be the best caregiver he could be for tom, and tom was on board with it.
matt was looking around, when tom saw something he really wanted: a stuffed cat. he LOVED stuffed animals, his tomee bear especially. and this stuffed cat was no exception. he immediately tugged on matt's green overcoat and pointed to the stuffed toy. matt thought it was adorable as well, however, he couldn't say yes to that. "no tom, not today. we're only here for groceries, remember? plus, that stuffed cat is kinda expensive too," he explained. tom immediately crossed his arms and pouted. whenever tom wanted to be bratty, he would be bratty. despite that, tom didn't throw a tantrum in the store, which gave matt some relief. the last thing he wanted was for tom to be making a scene in public and make matt embarrassed.
after matt had checked out the groceries, he was pushing the cart out to the car. that's when tom saw a man selling fidget spinners on a stand. this got tom's attention, and he immediately pointed to the man selling them. matt noticed him, and big surprise: he said no again. "tom, you don't need anything today bud," said matt, "you've got toys at home."
this was the wrong thing to say, as matt carried tom out of the shopping cart to put the groceries in the trunk, tom started whining and stamping his feet. "fidget spinner! fidget spinner!!" he grumped. matt immediately noticed tom's bad behaviour. "now you stop that." said matt sternly. tom stuck his tongue out at matt, which shocked matt. tom had never behaved like this before! why was he acting like this all of a sudden?
that's when tom started making a scene. he flopped on the ground, kicked his legs, pounded his fists, and wailed. "FIDGET SPINNER! FIDGET SPINNER!!" he screamed so loud that everyone nearby could hear and witness. matt looked over at the eyes staring at him and tom. with an embarrassed grin on his face, matt walked over to the man at the stand. "er... i'd like one of those fidget spinners, please." said matt while gritting his teeth.
after matt walked over with the fidget spinner, tom stopped crying almost immediately. "yayyyy!!" he squealed, as matt put him into the car.
the second they arrived home, tom ran to his room to play with his fidget spinner. this relieved matt, because trust me, he needed to have some alone time for a bit.
after matt had cooled off enough, he went to tom's room to talk to him. "tom," he said in a calm voice, "i wanna talk to you." tom immediately understood, as him and matt both sat on tom's bed.
"when we went to the store, you showed me behaviour that i feel is not acceptable. you threw an entire fit over a toy. that's known as making a scene, and that is very embarrassing on my part. dada is disappointed in you, and he wants an apology."
tom looked up at matt with a guilty look on his face. "sowwy.." he said in a small voice. matt knew tom was ashamed for his actions, and he couldn't help but smile. "awww, it's ok tom. just don't do it again, ok?" he asked. tom nodded with a smile on his face. "otay!" he said. as he said that, both matt and tom gave each other a hug. even though tom can be bratty sometimes, matt still loved him no matter what.

655 words, i hope you enjoy <3

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