trick or treating [the main 4!]

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littles: edd, matt, tom
cg: tord
this was requested by Xx-C0ff1n_Dw3ll3r-xX so i hope you enjoy <3

it was halloween. tord was getting the boys ready to go out trick or treating. it does make sense that the boys should get ready on their own, but the thing was, the boys were littles. and they were going trick or treating with their caregiver, tord. so in all honesty, this made sense.
the boys were very hyper and wanted to go out right away, but tord had politely said that they needed to get ready first. if not, they'd be going out in their regular hoodies, and that would be boring!
after around 25 minutes of struggling to get 3 hyper littles in their costumes, they were all finally ready to go out. for their costumes, edd was wearing a cola can suit, matt was dressed up as a prince, tom was wearing a teddy bear onesie (he wanted to be tomee bear), and tord was dressed up as a knight. not gonna lie, they actually looked pretty good. so then, the main 4 went outside to go trick or treating!
they went all across the block to the houses that they seen. they didn't really go to their neighbours house though, because the neighbours were already out trick or treating. they were getting lots of candy, and they were all satisfied, until when they went to a certain house. the person living there insulted tom's costume. "why the heck is he going out in a ONESIE? he's in his late 20s, he's not 2 years old. he shouldn't even be out trick or treating anyways! and neither should you guys!" then he threw rocks in their bags. the littles started to cry, and tord angrily threw the rocks at the man's car. the man noticed, and he started screaming at them. tord immediately scooped the boys up, and ran all the way back home.
after they got chased by an old man, they immediately went inside and locked the door. the man was banging outside the door and yelling like a maniac. but then, a cop came by. he was examining the area to see if there was anything suspicious, like a true cop should. you never know what may happen on a night like halloween. and that's when the cop saw the entire scene unfold. he went to the man, cuffed him up, and drove away. tord sighed a breath of relief. "is da mweanie mwan goin' to jawl?" asked tom. "yes tom, we won't have to put up with his shenanigans anymore." tord responded.
after that incident, tord and the others were out of their costumes, and into their pajamas. the boys happily munched on their candies, and so did tord. halloween was one of their favourite holidays.

472 words, this is kinda short 😭

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