peekaboo! [eduardo and edd]

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little: eduardo
cg: edd
i hope you guys enjoy this :3

edd and the gang were playing truth or dare. this was one of their favourite games, challenging each other to do certain dares. one of matt's dares was to break a mirror. one of tord's dares was to listen to "sunshine, lollipops and rainbows". and one of tom's dares was to cut a pineapple. for some odd reason, no one really chose the truth option.
soon, edd had a dare. his dare was to go to eduardo's house and act like he wants to be friends with him. edd was about to say "there's no way in hell i'm going to HIS house," but at the same time, he didn't wanna lose truth or dare. so he reluctantly put his shoes on, and went out the front door to his neighbour's house.
edd went to the front door and rang the doorbell. he wanted to just turn around and lose the game, but this was a dare. he couldn't back out of it now. soon, the door opened, but it wasn't eduardo who answered it. it was jon, one of eduardo's roommates. "hi edd!" he said in a cheerful voice. "uhhh.. hi..!" said edd, trying to be enthusiastic. "is eduardo here...?"
"oh, he's in his room! but i think he's busy..." said jon. edd didn't care, he just went in the house like there was no tomorrow, eager to get this over with. mark looked at jon. "was that edd at the door?" he asked. jon nodded enthusiastically. mark looked at him for a bit, but he didn't say anything.
edd went to eduardo's room, but as he was about to open the door, he heard giggling. edd peeked a little through a small crack, but not enough to startle him. through the crack, he saw eduardo, wearing a light green t shirt and a diaper, playing with his stuffed animals. he had a stuffed frog, dog, cat, bear, elephant, and sheep. he even had a blanket with him. eduardo was covering himself underneath the blanket, and then reappearing from the blanket. he shouted "peekaboo!" in a babyish voice each time. he was doing this with his stuffed animals. was this what he was busy with, according to jon? and better yet: why was he acting like this?
then it clicked into edd's mind: was eduardo a little? because from the way he was acting, that was the only valid reason in his case. yes, that must be it.
edd opened the door a bit, not willing to scare him. somehow, eduardo noticed, and covered himself with the blanket again. edd knew it. he had scared him. "what was i thinking? i knew i should have just lost the ga-" his thoughts were interrupted by a babyish "peekaboo!"
edd turned around and noticed the playful baby. edd knew what was happening. eduardo wanted him to play with him! edd chuckled in response. "you wanna play this game, edu?" he asked. "yayyyy!!" eduardo responded happily. edd found this adorable.
edd sat down on the floor, in front of eduardo. eduardo handed him the blanket, as edd covered himself with it. "where's eduardo...?" he said. eduardo was intrigued. edd then reappeared from underneath the blanket. "peekaboo!" he squealed. eduardo laughed like a baby, which edd thought was adorable.
they played this game for a while, until edd had a small idea. the next time edd hid and then reappeared from the blanket, he tickled eduardo in a silly manner. eduardo laughed and squealed happily. edd was having a blast playing with the baby, that he officially decided to become his caregiver. he asked eduardo that, and eduardo didn't say anything for a bit. eduardo then responded with "dada!" which edd knew that meant yes. this put edd on cloud 9, until he remembered he was playing truth or dare. he knew he had to tell his roommates what he was doing. he grabbed his cellphone, and texted this small group chat which consisted of him, matt, tom and tord. he told them everything that happened, and luckily, all of them understood. they all thought regression was simply adorable. this made edd so happy. he would protect the little baby eduardo no matter what.

712 words, i had fun writing this ♡

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