music box [jon and mark]

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little: jon
cg: mark
i hope you guys enjoy (●'□')♡

it was around 12:45pm. mark had just put jon down for his afternoon nap, after jon had lunch. luckily, eduardo wasn't home, so jon had nothing to worry about. he could be little without eduardo interfering with it. because i gotta tell ya, eduardo is KNOWN for that.
mark then decided that he would gently check on jon. y'know, so that he could see if jon was doing ok; he didn't want him to have any nightmares and stuff like that.
mark gently opened the door to see a sleeping little in his bed. he had his blankie, a half full bottle on his nightstand, and he was cuddling his stuffed pig, which he named "waddles". (guess the reference) he also had his blue pacifier, which fell out of his mouth while he was sleeping. jon's room also had a star projector, which was turned on at the moment. the curtains were closed and the lights were off, which made this even better. jon always slept with the star projector on, or else he would just lay in bed and cry the entire night.
mark slowly kept an eye on him for a bit longer, until jon started tossing, turning, and whining in bed. mark was concerned. was jon having a bad dream or something? he was gonna ask jon what was wrong, but he didn't wanna wake him up even more.
after the tossing and turning part ended, the crying in bed part started straight away. jon had woken up. mark knew he had to ask what was wrong, he couldn't leave jon crying in bed the entire time. "baby boy? are you ok? can you tell dada what's wrong?" mark asked in a gentle voice. jon looked up at mark with tears rolling down his cheeks. "b-bad dweam..." he sobbed. mark kinda knew that jon was having a bad dream, but he had to confirm it first. he then cuddled up in jon's bed, wanting to provide him with more comfort. "it's ok buddy, shhhh.." said mark gently. the baby just cried softly into mark's arms. that's when mark had an idea. he saw a music box on jon's shelf, which played a small lullaby that jon really liked. mark decided to play it for him, because the soft music would calm any crying baby in his opinion.
mark grabbed the music box off of the shelf, turned it on, placed it on jon's nightstand, and got back into jon's bed. jon heard the soft music, and he stopped sobbing for a bit. "ooooo.." he said in a tiny voice. mark knew it was working. "you like it?" he asked in a gentle voice. jon nodded, as the tears slowly faded away from his cheeks. mark decided to lay in bed with him for a while longer, just simply rubbing his back and talking gently.
the calming environment jon was in helped him fall back asleep. mark smiled at him, got out of his bed, and kissed his forehead. he also put jon's pacifier back in his mouth. "night night jonny.." mark said gently, as he walked out of the room. he was satisfied that jon could have the rest of his nap.

546 wordsss ☆

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