paperwork [tord and paul]

183 4 7

little: tord
cg: paul
this was requested by Xx-C0ff1n_Dw3ll3r-xX so i hope you enjoy <3

tord was in his office, signing paperwork. paul was sitting in the break room, drinking coffee and watching tv. tord decided to let paul have a break for once, not because of paul's constant complaints (ok, it was kinda because of that), but because tord felt bad for him. when he told paul he could take a break, paul jumped a few feet in the air as he screamed in joy. he then ran all around the building, telling everyone about tord's kindness. yeah, that does kinda sound like paul behaviour.
as tord was signing all that paperwork, he started getting stressed out. he had never really taken that challenge of doing all the stuff that paul was doing. especially since tord had a small secret: he liked to regress back to his toddler days. unfortunately, he could rarely do that because of the tasks he was assigned daily. and signing all that paperwork was one of them. sure, he was happy to give paul a small rest, but why did there have to be so much paperwork?
just thinking about signing a crap ton of paperwork made tord want to be in little space. after signing 25 more papers, tord started to get a little twitchy.

paul was finishing his cup of coffee. he then saw a box of donuts on the counter, and he immediately couldn't resist. but as he went over to the box, he realized that stealing all of them to himself would be considered "greedy". so he decided to share some with tord, as a little thank you gift for letting paul have a break. see kids? this is how to be generous!
as paul went up to tord's office, he heard him heavily breathing. this caused paul to get a bit nervous. was tord dying? or was he having a panic attack? whatever it was, paul knew he had to go ahead and help his friend. he immediately opened the door, but he didn't really expect to see what he was going to see. he saw tord, curled up onto the floor, with a stuffed elephant and a red pacifier in his mouth, having a bad panic attack.
paul was educated on regression before, so he knew what to do in a situation like this. he went over and asked tord what was wrong. "i wan' be wittle..." responded tord in a shaky voice. "yes tord, i know you do, but why are you upset?" paul asked again. "wots and wots of papwerwok..." tord whined. paul kinda had a feeling that tord was gonna say that. even he couldn't handle that much paperwork, despite tord handing it all to him loads of times.
paul went over and put a blanket over tord, hoping that would calm him down. and sure enough, it was calming tord down. he then picked tord up in his arms, the blanket wrapped around him. "hey tord, i say this paperwork can wait. why don't you and i relax for a while? when you feel like a big boy again, you can finish the paperwork. how does that sound?"
hearing that tord could be little made him really happy. "ywes! ywes! ywes!" tord squealed. "shh, you can be a bit loud bud," paul chuckled, as he kissed tord's nose.
the two boys went and relaxed on the couch, watching cartoons and eating donuts. tord felt so much better now that he and paul were spending proper time together.

595 words, i hope you enjoy <3

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