surf and turf [tom, edd and matt]

181 4 3

little: tom
cgs: edd and matt
my writers block is over 👍

it was a hot, summer day. edd, matt, and tom were inside the apartment, practically dying of over exposure to heat. the only one who was actually getting a breeze was ringo, who was sitting near a fan, practically enjoying herself. none of the other boys were enjoying themselves though. especially poor tom, who was in his little headspace. tom just wanted to be little, but WITHOUT the heat.
"ughhhh.. the meanie hweat make me sad..." whined tom. "i know tom, it makes me upset as well..." edd complained. matt, who was about to go insane, went over to a window, opened it, and got even more exposed to the heat. "aaaahhh.. much better..!" he said. edd and tom looked at him as if he was an insane human being. "mama... wada ya dowing..?" tom asked. "oh, mama's just, you know, cooling off..!" matt responded. edd held tom close, and whispered to him, "don't listen to mama matt, why don't you and i try to stay cool, huh?"
edd then got the wonderful decision to watch tv. he grabbed the remote, turned the tv on, and flipped through the channels:

"rue? when was this?"


"and today on the home shopping network..."

at this point, edd was starting to get annoyed. first it becomes 2 million degrees outside, and now there's nothing on tv? surely this day couldn't get worse. "dada... can we watch sesame street..?" tom whined a little. "why yes bud, since there's what, nothing else on?" edd responded. edd flipped through the channels once more to find the channel sesame street aired on, but as he did, he found a commercial that certainly caught his attention. the commercial showed two people on the beach, drinking ice cold cans of cola, and looking as glamorous as ever. the announcer had this to say:

"are you so hot that you're melting into your sofa? then you need an ice cold drink in your mouth. survive the heat with COLA. cola, it's cool, in a temperature way. DRINKING COLA WILL NOT MAKE YOU BEAUTIFUL OR QUENCH YOUR THIRST."

naturally, after seeing this commercial, this gave edd an idea. he would take matt and tom to the beach! surely, they would love that idea; it's much more nicer than being stuck inside the house all day in the heat. edd asked this to them. tom naturally responded first. "yeah, yeah! we gon' go swimmin, and pway in da swand!!!" he squealed happily. edd couldn't help but find this adorable. matt, on the other hand, just let out a small "yeah, go ahead." he was too busy dying of heat stroke to provide a proper answer.
despite matt's response, edd packed up everything they needed for the beach. he packed food, swimming suits, sunscreen, tom's little bag, and of course, cola. he got tom and matt ready, put them in the car, and then they were off to the beach!

501 words, i finally have motivation 🤑

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