bonding time [tord and tom]

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little: tord
cg: tom
this was requested by aSp00pyL33ch3bbyOnO so i hope you enjoy this ^^

tom and tord were walking around the park. edd had sent them out of the house for a "bonding trip". apparently, he and matt were sick of tom and tord fighting and pranking each other all of the time. this was reasonable. when he told the two about their field trip, tom replied with "ew, i'd rather DIE than go out with HIM." i bet you can guess what happened next.
anyways, the two were walking around the park, not saying a word to one another. then tom spoke up: "i hope you know i'm not any happier about this than you are. i loathe you with every inch of my soul." "but-" tord tried to respond. "you say one more insulting word, i will FIGHT YOU." tom grouched. tord kept silent, and didn't say another word.
as they kept on walking, tord felt this weird sensation come over his body. he felt as if he was regressing. "no.. hell no.. not in front of tom..." he thought anxiously. sometimes, tord tends to regress due to anxiety, and he was experiencing a lot of anxiety at this moment. he had this huge fear of angering tom to the point where he would fight him, and he didn't wanna come home with bruises and cuts and a bloody nose. edd would immediately know what happened, and he would be mad too. so tord didn't wanna screw things up, cause he knew tom would laugh at him if he regressed.
but too bad for him, because he kept on feeling more little with each passing second.
that's when the most random thing happened: tord started sucking his thumb. he couldn't help it, he was in little space.
tom didn't even bother to take a peek at tord. he hated tord so much, that was the reason. until he just randomly took one small peek, just to be even more mad. but when he peeked, he saw tord sucking his thumb. that was one sight tom never expected to see. tom had a few thoughts in his head. it then hit him: regression.
tom knew what regression was, and he knew it was happening to tord this second. tom started petting tord on the head gently, which was a sensation tord never expected.
"hey there buddy.. how you doing..?" tom said in a gentle voice. tord never realized tom could be this nice. "good.." tord replied in a soft voice. tord was getting the sleepy eyes. tom knew it was soon time for his nap. "say, how about we go home and you can take a nice nap? it's getting cold out here, and your getting tired, i can tell." tord agreed to the idea. "up.." he said. tom knew what that meant: he wanted to be picked up. tom carried tord on his shoulders, like he was getting a piggyback ride, and then, they made their way home so that tord could have his nap.

508 words, sorry that this is a bit short-

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