movies [the main 4!]

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littles: tord and matt
cgs: tom and edd
this was requested by Xx-C0ff1n_Dw3ll3r-xX so i hope you enjoy <3

it was a rainy sunday. despite the miserable weather, tord and matt were in a very joyful mood. they were happily playing with their caregivers, tom and edd. tom was tord's caregiver, and edd was matt's. and when they were together, they had a great time.
that's when tom and edd both had an idea. despite the horrible weather, they would take their littles to the movies! they had read an article online about a kids movie about fishes. they thought that tord and matt would love that movie. anything with cartoon animals in it always caught their attention.
when tom and edd told the boys about their field trip, they got really excited. "we gon' see da fishies?" babbled matt. edd chuckled and pet his head. "yes matt, LOTS of fishes," said edd. matt squealed in joy.
edd and tom got the boys in their raincoats and rainboots. they put them in their carseats, and then they drove off to the movie theatre.
when they reached the theatre, it was pouring down rain more than ever. tord started whining because he wasn't a huge fan of getting wet, despite wearing the raincoat and rainboots. but when they went inside the brightly lit theatre, he stopped whining altogether. "pwetty wights..." said tord. tom ruffled his hair. tord giggled.
edd and tom then went up and bought 4 tickets for the movie. that's when tord and matt noticed the snacks. they were immediately intrigued. edd smiled at the sight. "what kind of snacks do you want?" he asked. "pwopcown!" squealed tord. "cwandy!" squealed matt. "ok, ok..." tom chuckled, "i'll get enough for everyone." tom bought the snacks for everyone, and then they went to see the movie!
the boys got comfy in their seats, as the promos started playing. edd then noticed that people were turning around and looking at them every 5 seconds. he pointed this out to tom, who noticed why they were looking. tord was throwing his popcorn in the air. this did NOT make tom happy. "if you throw one more piece, i'm taking it away." he whispered. "nooooo!!!" tord said loudly. the audience shushed him. tom's face turned a shade of pink, he was embarrassed. edd noticed this. "now tom, maybe they'll be settled down once the movie starts," he reassured. tom seemed to understand that, as he calmed down.
it turned out that edd was right. the boys were behaving really well when they were watching the movie. this gave tom some relief.
after around an hour, tom noticed something terrible. tord and matt weren't in their seats. not wanting to be loud, tom poked edd's shoulder, and pointed at tord and matt's empty seats. edd turned pale the second he seen it, and he started having a panic attack in the middle of the theatre. tom made edd go out to relax, and he immediately had to work on finding tord and matt.
he went and checked out places where tord and matt could be. that's when he heard someone complain. "get those two men out of here! they're blocking the screen, and i'm not paying money for two hooligans to roam around and not sit still!"
tom immediately turned around. and that's when he saw tord and matt, touching the screen! when the audience saw them, some of them laughed. a few of them started booing. tom's face turned crimson red as he scooped up tord and matt, and brought them out to where edd was.
when edd saw the boys, he hugged them almost immediately. "oh my two babies... where have you been?" he asked. "we wan' twouch da fishies..." tord responded. edd laughed a bit, but tom wasn't laughing at all. he was half embarrassed, half angry. when edd saw tom's face, he stopped laughing immediately. he put on his serious face. "now boys, you can't get out of your seats and roam around when there's a movie playing. other people wanna watch the movie too, and it's just not polite. and besides, it's just a screen, there's nothing to touch."
the two littles got the memo nearly immediately. they never liked disappointing any of their caregivers. "sowwy..." they both said sadly. edd hugged the boys. "awww, it's ok. just don't do that again, ok?"
tom was still crimson red in the face. edd looked at him with a "now i'd appreciate it if you didn't yell at them" face. tom understood, and he calmed himself down. he hugged the boys too. "aw, i know you two didn't mean any harm. we forgive you." he smiled.
the 4 of them got back in the car; the weather still wasn't good. but they didn't care. the main thing was that they got out of the house for a while, and that was that. even though the boys can goof around once in a while, they were still family to tom and edd.

841 words, i hope you enjoy <3

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