crayons [tom, tord and matt]

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littles: tom and tord
cg: matt
this is technically part 2 (which was requested by BuniiBells) of "drawing", so please go check out the original if you haven't :)

matt was sitting on the couch, obsessing over the new plushie of him that had been made. (reference) he loved it to bits, especially the little mirror it held. meanwhile, tom and tord were colouring in both of their colouring books, while happily sharing a box of crayons. now, this may seem like an activity that preschoolers should be doing, instead of two full grown adults, but the thing is, both tom and tord are littles. ever since the drawing incident, tom had decided to grow a bit closer to tord, instead of just arguing with him all the time. tom even decided to try out regressing himself! and so far, he was really liking it, because matt was his caregiver too.
the two boys were happily colouring in the colouring books, when suddenly, they both decided that they wanted to use the green crayon. unfortunately, there was only one. what would happen if they both wanted to use a certain colour, when there was only one of it?
tord grabbed the crayon first, and started using it for his page. this made tom pretty upset. "noooo!!" he whined. "i wan' cwayon!"
"but i gots it fiwst, get yur own!" tord responded snarkily. "but ders onwy one.." said tom in a sad voice. "i no cawe! i dawing wit it, weave me awone." snapped tord. this only made tom even more upset. when suddenly, tom snatched the crayon from tord! tord whined loudly, and snatched it again.
they kept snatching the crayon, until finally, both of them started crying loudly. this snapped matt out of his little trance with the plushie. he immediately got up and went over to the boys.
"now babies, why are you two crying this much? what happened?" he asked. the two boys started talking at once. "HE TWOOK MY CWAYON.." tord said. "NWO, TORD BEIN' SWELFWISH..." tom butted. "BUT I GOTS IT FIWST!!!" tord replied.
"ok ok guys, that's enough!" said matt. both of the boys stopped arguing and crying at once. "it seems as if you boys can't share the green crayon. so because of this, i'm putting the crayons away until you guys learn how to properly share again."
matt picked up the crayons and colouring books and put them away, while the boys just sat on the ground, protesting. matt picked up the wailing boys and sat on the couch, with them on his lap. "now, you two are REALLY cranky. do you guys need naps?" he asked. the two littles just said "no!" in response. "well, mama matt thinks you do. come on, it's naptime for both of you."
the two boys kept on crying as matt put both of them in their beds. but matt secretly knew the method to stop them from crying: their pacifiers.
matt got a red one for tord, and a blue one for tom. as he put their pacifiers in their mouths, they stopped crying in less than a minute. matt was relieved, he felt like he was about to go deaf because of the racket they were making. then, matt decided to turn on a music box for the both of them, which just made them really interested in them. tord was softly cooing at the gentle lullaby, which matt thought was adorable. "now boys, go night night for mama matt," he gently reminded. the two littles got the memo, and they both fell asleep. this automatically relieved matt.
he walked back into the living room, picked up the plushie he was obsessing over, and went back into his own little world. he was very relieved that everything had calmed down, and maybe soon, the boys will feel better when they wake up.

647 words, i hope you enjoy <3

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