hyperness [tessa (oc) and edd]

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little: tessa (oc)
cg: edd
this was a request, the following oc belongs to PinkHoodieGirl on deviantart :)

edd was chilling in his room, working on a commission. he was a freelance artist, and that was his passion. he loved drawing. meanwhile, tessa was reading a manga she really liked. she loved anime, just like tord. but i don't think she would read/draw hentai anytime soon. tom called them "weebs", but they didn't care. they enjoyed their anime, and that was that. it wouldn't change no matter what.
soon, tessa was hungry. she went into the kitchen, and she found BAGS of groceries. she didn't know why someone would forget to unpack them. maybe they were in a rush? whatever the reason was, she just looked through the bags. in one of them, she found a crap ton of candy. it didn't take a detective to figure out what she was gonna do next.

edd had just finished up the commission. he put the commission online, and gave himself a pat on the back for a job well done. but then, he heard random shouting, squealing, and laughing. it was all very loud. he wondered who could possibly be making all this noise? then it hit him: tessa.
he walked out into the living room, and sure enough, tessa was bouncing off the walls. running around, laughing excessively, etc. edd knew she had gotten into the candy. he blamed himself for not putting the groceries away. but there was no time for blaming, he HAD to calm tessa down.
another thing about tessa was that she tended to regress whenever she was hyper. and since she was hyper right now... well, take a guess.
luckily, edd was known as a caregiver to tessa whenever she's little. so he knew what to do in situations like this. he went over to tessa. "hey tessa? can you come here please?" tessa ran over.
edd carried tessa in his arms. she was squirming around. "lemme down!! i wan' run!" she squeaked. "now tessa, i'm afraid you'll break something if you run," edd said in a small but firm voice. "also, i don't want you getting hurt."
edd also had his phone in his pocket. he was gonna use it to play some lofi music. that helps tessa calm down. he also was gonna make her some special tea, which also helped her calm down. but first, he had to put tessa somewhere safe. so he let tessa run around and play outside, so she could let out some of that energy. tessa loved the idea. she ran around excitedly, pretending she was an airplane.
as tessa was playing outside, edd put his plan to work. he went on youtube and found a lofi music playlist. he connected the phone's bluetooth to the tv and started playing it. he turned the volume to a reasonable amount so it wouldn't be too loud. then, edd got to work making the special tea. and since tessa was regressed, he would pour the tea into a sippy cup. y'know, so she wouldn't spill it. he also turned on a star projector, so she could see pretty colours and lights.
he then went outside. as usual, tessa was letting out all of her energy. when edd told tessa to come inside, she just laughed. "cmon tessa, i have a surprise for you," he told her. this caught tessa's attention, she loved surprises. she ran in the house immediately, but she didn't expect what she would see next.
she immediately stopped in her tracks. edd knew the plan was working. how? because she wasn't running around anymore. she just stood there, with a look of calmness. she sat down on the couch gently, and curled up into her favourite blanket. edd sat down with her too, and offered her the special tea. tessa drank it out of her sippy cup, as she rested her head on edd's lap. edd was happy that tessa had calmed down. he was also happy that he was there in her life, to give her support.

682 words└⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┐⁠♪

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