bunnies [mark and eduardo]

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little: mark
cg: eduardo
this was requested by TheCatbooFromQuotev_ so i hope you enjoy <3

it was easter sunday. mark and eduardo had decided to go to the annual easter egg hunt. not because they wanted to participate in it, it was really just to get out of the house for a while, because eduardo was going through a hard time. ever since jon passed away, he was never himself. he didn't make fun of edd anymore, he didn't gloat about how better he was, he didn't even smile. so mark had made the decision to take eduardo to get some fresh air. and what better way to do that than to go to the easter egg hunt?
"aaaahhh.. you see, isn't it nice to get out of the house?" said mark, "you can get some fresh air, and i can get over my irrational fear of rabbits."
now, it's unknown WHY mark has this fear. all he knows is that he never even wants to be a foot near a rabbit, even the adorable ones.
but unfortunately for mark, right near his feet was a rabbit. eduardo wanted mark to see it, but at the same time, he didn't want mark to be scared. he tried to decide on what to do, but then he realized that at this point, he was gonna have to tell him. "uh, mark... look down.." eduardo said. when mark looked down, his face turned pale, he started sweating, and then he let out a scream. "GET IT AWAY!! GET IT AWAY!!!! I HATE RABBITS, GET IT AWAY!!!!!" he screamed. then, mark ran off into the woods!
eduardo knew he had to go help his friend. despite all the eyes staring at him due to mark's scene, and despite eduardo's miserable mood, he went into the woods to go find mark.
after a few minutes, eduardo finally found his friend. mark was curled up into a fetal position, crying and sucking his thumb like a baby. naturally, eduardo knew mark was scared. but why was he sucking his thumb? he had to find out.
"mark, are you ok?" eduardo asked in a soft voice. "no..." mark responded. "scawed..."
now, when mark said "scawed" the way he did, eduardo kinda realized what was going on. mark had regressed due to the anxiety from the rabbit. when eduardo realized that, he decided to be a good friend and help mark calm down.
"awww, shhhh.. don't be upset mark..." said eduardo gently. he put mark on his lap and pet his hair. poor mark had tears streaming down his face, and he was still sucking his thumb. so eduardo had an idea. "the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round..." he sang. eduardo's singing was cheering mark up; he smiled up at eduardo. "the wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!" eduardo sang some more. mark wasn't even crying anymore, he was giggling a lot at this point, with his thumb still in his mouth. the little cutie was even making little noises, such as "ah!" and "goo!", which eduardo thought was adorable.
"mark, do you wanna go home now?" eduardo asked. mark nodded in response, he was tired out from the meltdown he had earlier. eduardo stood up with mark in his arms, kissed him on the cheek, handed mark a chewy ring, and walked over to the car. he put mark in the back seat, turned on some nursery rhymes on the radio that mark liked, and then they set off on their way home.

599 words, i hope you enjoy <3

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