the magic mirror [edd and ell]

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little: edd
cg: ell
this was requested by hman2009 so i hope you enjoy <3

ell, matilda and tamara all came back from the magic store, looking happy with their choices. "we should go to magic store more often! i got a mirror!" said matilda. "is it magical?" asked ell. "who cares! i'm looking gooooooooooooooooooooooooood!" she said for a long time. tamara, looking freaked out, told her "matilda, please stop saying words for a really long time, it freaks me out." she was also holding some sort of strange box. no one knew what was in it, only her. "so, what's in the box tamara?" ell asked. tamara looked confused, and said "well idk. maybe it's donuts!" she opened the box, and surprise! yummy donuts, fresh from the oven! "yum! you were right tamara!" said ell. matilda loved donuts, so she was excited too.
the three girls sat on the couch, eating their donuts. ell said between bites, "i'm sure glad there are only donuts in this box and no evil demon ghosts." tamara agreed. "yeah, i'm glad that oddly specific thing isn't happening as well," she said. soon, ell got up to go get a glass of cherry cola. but as she got up, she didn't notice that matilda's mirror was laying down, facing up.

when ell finally budged, she was in a weird place. the living room looked the same, but she felt as if she wasn't at home, where she was supposed to belong. besides, tamara and matilda weren't here. she then turned around a bit, and she seen the couch. on the couch, was a man that looked exactly like ell. then it clicked in ell's brain: she was now in a universe where everyone was genderbent. that meant in this universe, ell, matilda, tamara, and even tori were all boys. luckily, ell herself never changed, and she looked fine.
she went over to the man on the couch. he was fast asleep, with a dark grey cat snuggled upon him. he even had a soft light green baby blanket, and a green pacifier in his mouth, that was about to fall out. ell was confused on why he would need one, he wasn't a baby. she took it out of his mouth, but that proved to be a mistake. the man started whining, tossing, and turning. he then woke up and started to cry, but when he saw ell, he cried even harder. he didn't know who this random woman was, and why she was here. even more, why did she look exactly like him?!
ell immediately felt bad and put the pacifier back in his mouth. "hey, shhhh.. calm down please, it'll all be fine," she reassured. the man calmed down a bit, but he was still scared because of the woman. he kept whimpering in fear, clutching onto the cat. ell looked at the cat. "awwww, she looks cute ^^" said ell, as she petted the kitty. the cat purred happily. "r-ringo..." the man said softly. ell understood what he was trying to say. the cat's name was ringo! "awww.. well hi there ringo!" she said softly, as she kept on petting her. then, speaking of names, ell looked at the man and asked what his name was. he was nervous at first, but then he told her his name. "e-edd..." he muttered. so the man's name was edd. ell waved at him. "hello there edd!" edd smiled shyly with his pacifier in his mouth and waved. ell decided to sit with him on the couch and turn on the tv. "what do you wanna watch?" she asked. "paw patrol..." he requested. ell happily turned it on for him.
edd giggled happily at the puppies on the screen, as they went to save the day. personally, marshall was his favourite. ell was happy to be here with edd, and she had this small thought in her mind: "i think i'll stay here for a while, i don't think matilda and tamara will mind." after thinking that, she had an idea.
ell pulled her cellphone and motioned for edd to look at it. she wanted to take a selfie with him to show matilda and tamara. he smiled happily at the camera with his pacifier in his mouth still, and so did ell. she then sent it to both matilda and tamara, and even tori. they sure will be surprised once they receive the selfie!

742 words, i hope you enjoy ^~^

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