video games [edd and tord]

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little: edd
cg: tord
this was requested by Johnsoad01 so i hope you enjoy <3

tord had just got a new xbox for his birthday. he loved it to bits. he bought games for it whenever he could, and sometimes, him and edd liked to play the games together, and on certain occasions, compete with one another. it was really enjoyable for the both of them.
one day, tord was bored. he didn't wanna watch any sort of anime, as he spent all day doing that, and for some reason, he didn't wanna do that. today, he was up for playing video games with edd. edd would do that any day. so tord decided to ask edd that, and sure enough, the next thing they knew, they were setting up the xbox for some good old playtime.
but as tord set up the game, edd slowly started to feel little. the thing with edd is that he tends to regress. and he couldn't help it as well, that was just the way he was. and another thing: edd never played any video games while regressed. maybe he just didn't like the competitive nature of them. but whatever it was, he just didn't like them when he was regressed. but he wasn't about to tell tord that. he didn't wanna make him mad or disappointed.
when tord set up the game, he handed the controller to edd. "ok edd, you ready for this match?" he asked. "m-mhm!" edd responded nervously. somehow, tord didn't notice.
the two boys were just playing the game as normal, but what tord didn't notice was that edd was regressing more and more with each passing second. and naturally, edd was getting more and more upset with every passing second. he just wanted to stop the game and tell tord that he goes little, but he knew tord would think something was wrong with him. then it happened: edd lost the game.
"YAHOO! I WON! haha, you lost edd, sucks to be you doesn't it?" tord teased. this didn't help edd out at all. this just caused him to start crying. this wasn't like edd! why was he crying? he never cried whenever he lost the game. he just shrugged it off and told tord what a good job he did. this time, he bawled like a little kid. this concerned tord. "edd, what's wrong? was it something i said..?" tord asked nervously. "i wost..." edd mumbled. from the way edd said "lost", tord kinda took that as a sign that edd regresses. but tord had to find out the truth first. "aww, i'm sorry if any of my words hurt your feelings edd, i just.. was so excited, but i guess i let out my excitement in a negative sort of way, and i'm terribly sorry for that, i hope you can forgive me."
this ultimately convinced edd. "it's otay.." he said with a small smile. tord smiled too. then he had an idea. "hey edd? how old are you feeling?" he asked. edd held up three fingers. "twee!" he said with a bigger smile. tord chuckled. "why don't we take a break from the video games, and just screens in general, huh? why don't we read a story?" he asked. edd got excited. he ran to a nearby bookshelf and picked out a children's book. tord smiled, got a sippy cup full of cola ready for him, put edd on his lap, and read him the story.
it was a really cute moment. during that cute moment, tord knew what he wanted to do next: become edd's caregiver. and he would do that, starting today.

611 words, i hope you enjoy (●'□')♡

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