horror movie [jon and edd]

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little: jon
cg: edd
this was suggested by PinkHoodieGirl on deviantart so i hope you enjoy <3

edd was visiting jon at his house. i know you're probably thinking that this sounds very odd, since jon is edd's neighbour, and they're supposed to be enemies, but edd's roommates went out somewhere. same thing with jon. plus, in reality, jon was actually a very gentle and jolly man. but, due to anxiety, his only real friend group is his roommates. so when edd asked him if he wanted to hang out, jon happily accepted the offer, since of course, jon found edd and his gang to be really cool. he always wanted to hang out with them, but due to eduardo, he couldn't. so this was jon's lucky day!
anyways, edd and jon were talking about what they wanted to do for the day. edd brought up the idea of going to see a movie, and that made jon excited. however, the movie that jon requested to go see caught edd off guard.
jon had requested to go see a horror movie. "jon, i don't know... i think that's gonna scare you..." edd told him. "oh, that's nonsense! seeing this movie will prove to eduardo that i'm a man! he thinks i'm just a little sissy baby, but that won't stop me from going to see a horror movie!" jon exclaimed. edd was still a bit unsure about the whole thing, but he finally gave in to what jon wanted. and soon, they were off to the movie theater.
after they got their tickets, jon slowly started to have second thoughts. he was never one for horror movies, or anything horror in general. not to mention, jon was also a little, and he was afraid that he would regress in front of edd. and that was the last thing he wanted. but edd had already bought tickets, so there was no turning back.
then, he found himself in his seat, next to edd, watching the promos. honestly, before the promos started, jon was starting to get scared, as well as little. but he knew that if he slipped in front of edd, he'd just laugh in his face. so he tried his best not to show it.
then, the movie started. everything was fine at first, until a scene with intense gore came up. this was it. jon couldn't take anymore. he would never be a man, and eduardo would ridicule him for being a scaredy cat.
that's when jon then ran out of the theater! edd immediately noticed. even though he had a feeling this was going to happen, he still had to go out and comfort his friend.
he went out of the theater and into the bathroom, where he saw jon, sitting on the ground, head in his knees, crying. he immediately felt bad for him when he saw him in a miserable state. "awwww... jon, what's wrong?" edd asked in a gentle voice. jon looked up, his face pale. "i no wike horrow..." he said in a babyish tone of voice. edd immediately recognized that tone of voice; it didn't take a detective to figure out that jon was a little. "awww.. i kinda had a feeling you didn't little buddy," edd responded. jon just kept on crying.
that's when edd had an idea. "hey baby? why don't we go home, and watch a different movie? it can be anything besides horror. how does that sound?" he offered. jon slowly warmed up to the idea. "swounds gwood..." he whimpered. edd softly smiled, as he picked up jon gently and took him home.
when they went inside, jon was still whimpering. edd had to cheer him up; he never liked seeing anyone sad. he sat jon down on the couch and decided to play with him. he spoke in a silly voice trying to make jon laugh. a small smile started to appear on jon's face. it was working! edd kept making silly sounds while tickling jon. jon was laughing a lot, he wasn't even crying anymore! edd was satisfied that jon had cheered up. "now, what movie do you wanna watch?" he asked. jon picked out a little kids movie. "ok! we can watch that!" edd responded. jon happily squealed.
the two of them were now snuggled on the couch, with jon's thomas themed blanket and stuffed puppy, as they watched their movie.

736 words, i hope you enjoy :)

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