rivals [eduardo and edd]

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little: eduardo
cg: edd
my friend Orelmcgorel (who also suggested this one!) drew the background art here so big thanks to them :)

edd was sitting outside on his lawn, petting ringo. tord and tom were inside, having an argument, and he needed to get out as soon as possible. so while matt was inside, dealing with the situation, edd was outside with his feline friend, and nothing bothered him...

...until his next door neighbour went ahead and jumped through the fence, into edd's yard. when eduardo is around, things were bad. first tom and tord start fighting, and now eduardo appears? edd couldn't even relax.
"well well well, look who it is!" said eduardo. "ugh, what do you want now." edd groaned. "oh, i just came to see how much of a LOSER you're being right now. and your little cat, too." ringo hissed when she heard that.
"look eduardo, why don't you go ahead and deal with the problems you have, while me and ringo get a free day for once?" edd snapped. "problems? i don't HAVE any problems. i'm numero uno!" eduardo bragged. "YOU'RE the one who's coming in second place!"
eduardo then walked away, but as he walked away, his walking turned into wobbling. edd noticed how wobbly his walking was. "eduardo.. why are you walking like that?" he asked, but eduardo didn't answer. then, eduardo fell down!
it wasn't a big fall however, he just landed on his bottom. but eduardo made a big deal out of it. "OWWWW..." he whined. "eduardo, it wasn't that big of a fall, calm down," edd said. eduardo didn't listen. "i hurts my bum-bum..." he whimpered. now, edd was even more confused. why was eduardo talking like this? did he think he was 3 years old?
eduardo just sat on the ground, whimpering and sucking his thumb. edd kept on looking at him for a while, until it suddenly clicked in his mind: eduardo was regressed. edd knew a bit about age regression since he heard about the topic several times. and when he saw eduardo in little space, he had his fatherly instincts take over.
he went over to eduardo. "hey eduardo, why don't you and i go inside together? i'll get you all comfy and you and i can relax," edd offered. eduardo liked the idea, as he reached up towards edd. "dada..." he said in a soft voice. edd instantly knew that eduardo wanted him to be his caregiver. "awww, i'm dada now?" he asked. "mhm! eduardo have dada now and we gon' pway!" eduardo babbled. "well that's good," edd chuckled as he picked eduardo up and took him inside.
edd then instantly realized his friends wouldn't be too happy if they caught him hanging out with eduardo. so he quickly texted them in a group chat he created and told them what happened. luckily, all of them understood. he also made sure to bring ringo inside.
edd sat eduardo down on his bed, as he got some comfy clothes for him. it was a cute green shirt with a frog pattern on it, plus some shorts to match. eduardo loved the outfit. "don' fowgwet ma diapie!" he added. at first, edd was confused, but then he realized that eduardo wore diapers when he regressed, because he's at the age of a baby when he does. "ok buddy, dada won't forget," edd chuckled. edd grabbed a diaper, and he layed eduardo down, and put it on him. eduardo was satisfied.
edd got his shirt on with no problem, but eduardo started fussing when edd tried to put his shorts on. "nwo! i no wan' dem!" eduardo whined. edd sighed a little, but he didn't force eduardo to wear them.
edd carried eduardo, who also had a green pacifier in his mouth, into the living room. edd put him on his lap, and he played peekaboo with him. eduardo laughed every time edd uncovered his face. edd thought this was adorable; he would cherish this little baby until the end of time.

675 words, i hope you enjoy <3

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