restaurant [the main 4!]

146 5 1

little: tord
cgs: edd, matt and tom
this was requested by Xx-C0ff1n_Dw3ll3r-xX so i hope you enjoy <3
⚠️TW⚠️ TINY mention of drugs and alcohol

it was around dinnertime. edd was looking around in the cupboards, trying to find something to make for dinner. but unfortunately, he wasn't having any luck doing so. there was barely any food in the cabinet, and he didn't plan on going to the grocery store until the weekend, and today was friday. plus, it was evening, so the grocery store would be closed by the time edd arrived. what was he going to do about dinner?
he reluctantly went to the living room, where the others were. "guys... there's no food left in the cabinet." edd reluctantly told them. "what? NO FOOD?!??" matt shrieked. he started running around in circles, panicking. "aw shucks, i was looking forward to dinner tonight," tom complained. "why don't you just go to the grocery store?" tord offered. "because it'll be closed by the time i get there." edd said. "well, we can always just, go out to eat..." tord replied.
when tord said those words, the idea of going out to eat automatically made edd enthusiastic. "hey, that's a good idea tord! we haven't gone out to eat in a while, so this'll be a nice treat!" he said. the other boys agreed to the idea. they were hungry, after all. edd loaded the boys up into the car, and they all drove off to the restaurant.
after a 25 minute drive, they arrived at the restaurant. but as they got out of the car, tord started feeling a bit... little. yep, he was an age regressor. and edd, matt and tom were his caregivers. tom was a bit reluctant at first, but after a while, he learned to warm up to the little guy.
anyway, tord really didn't wanna regress in public, but at the same time, he hasn't went little in a while. he really wanted to be a toddler again for once, but out in public? god no. "i'll do it just this once," he thought, "just this once, and i won't do it again."
the boys sat at their table, and received their menus. tord looked at his menu, and he naturally, wasn't happy. why? because it wasn't a kids menu. "i no wan' dis one..." he whined. the other three looked at him. "tord, why do you sound like that?" tom asked. "cause..." he whimpered. "i wan' menu for wittle tord..."
that's when it clicked into tom's head: tord was regressed. even though he was wishing that tord wouldn't make a scene, he gently pointed that out to matt and edd, who seemed to understand.
when the waitress came and asked them what they wanted to drink, tom politely asked if they could have a kids menu. she looked a little confused, but she gave in to tom's request, and gave tord a kids menu like he asked. "yayyyyy!!!" he squealed. a few people looked at him. tom looked back, and gave the people who stared a dirty look.
after that, the boys got their drinks. edd got some cola, matt got some water, tom got an alcoholic beverage (because that's typical tom lmao), and tord got chocolate milk. in a kids cup. the waitress even offered him a booster seat, and he happily accepted. people were starting to think that this man was just a straight up baby. others were thinking he was high on drugs. one little kid asked his mother, "mommy, why is that man in a booster seat? and why is he drinking out of a baby cup?" "david, that's not polite to ask," his mother told him.
then, when the boys were asked what they wanted to eat, edd ordered the spaghetti, tom ordered a burger and fries, matt ordered the steak and veggies, and tord, because he had the kids menu, said "mac n' cheese!" the waiter sent that to the cook, and they sat there, waiting.
tord was quickly starting to get impatient. "i wan' fwood! i wan' fwood!" he squealed. now, more people were starting to stare. tom gently told him that he had to wait, and tord seemed to understand.
that's when tom remembered he brought an ipad with him. it was mainly meant for tord. he offered it to tord, who happily put headphones on, and started to watch his shows. a few teenagers came by and started snickering, with one of them taking a video. this made tom really upset. he angrily flipped them off, and the teens immediately stopped snickering and filming. they walked away.
then, the food arrived. in advance, the waitress brought a bib for tord. tom put it on him gently, and then the boys started to eat their dinner.

804 words, i hope you enjoy <3

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