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Sarabi's POV

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Sarabi's POV

I can't believe I was blessed with two strong handsome cubs. Mufasa is so proud to have two sons. Though Simba is future king, as he was born first. We both vowed to make sure our younger son Apollo never feels neglected or isolated. Like Mufasa's parents did with Scar.

We will make sure he knows how much we all love him. Simba and my best friend Sarafina's daughter Nala are betrothed. She had an affair with rogue lion that was passing through. Mufasa was annoyed at first, but relaxed when she had a daughter and not a son.

Anyway, today Mufasa and I will be introducing our sons to the pride lands herds. The pride has already meet them. The pride consists of us, Sarafina, her daughter Nala, Scar, a teenage lioness calls Zira along with her three friends, and my four sisters. My full sisters Nadira and Dwala. And our two younger half sisters Diku & Naanda. My best friend Sarafina was an orphaned cub my mother took in. So she became like a fifth sister to all of us.

"You're so lucky Sarabi" Nadira tells me.

"I know" I say with a smile as I look at my two sons.

"Naanda, when are we going hunting?" Zira demands.

"Manners young one" Dwala snaps lightly.

"We aren't hunting until tomorrow Zira" Naanda answers calmly.

"Why?" Lazy-eye asks. She is one of Zira's friends. Along with Beauty-spot and Ikhala. Both who are near sexual maturity.

"Today is a celebration of life girls" Diku states.

"So we won't take any today" Nadira adds. Zira grumbles.

"Zira, where's Scar?" I ask her as the herds begin to gather below. Mufasa is at the promontory waiting for Rafiki. With Zazu by his side.

"Don't know" she says with a shrug. Then begins to talk to her friends.

"Honestly, no respect" Dwala grumbles.

"They'll learn" Naanda assures her.

"You are to gentle on them" Dwala tells her.

"I'm patient, unlike you dear sister" Naanda corrects her.

"He's here" Sarafina states as she looks up from her cub Nala. I do the same, to see Mufasa hugging Rafiki and smile. I look down at my two cubs. Apollo is awake looking around curious about everything. While Simba is asleep still and I smile at them.

Mufasa comes over with Rafiki. Mufasa and I nuzzle each other affectionately purring. He smiles down at Apollo who looks up at him in awe. As I lick Simba's forehead waking him gently. Who wakes with a yawn turning over so that Rafiki could see him and Apollo. Rafiki smiles down at both my sons.

He shakes his staff over them. They both paw at the gourds hanging from the staff. Apollo mewls. Rafiki breaks a gourd open, dips his thumb in the juice, and marks Simba's forehead. Then Apollo's, Rafiki then grabs a handful of sand and sprinkles it over Simba and Apollo, causing them to sneeze. I chuckle with Mufasa as we lean into each other smiling at our sons.

Rafiki grabs both cubs and takes them to the promontory. While Mufasa, the pride and I watch from our spot. He sits down and holds them up for the herds to see. "Presenting the future king, Prince Simba and his brother Prince Apollo" he says.

In answer, the animals rear onto their hind legs. Elephants raise their trunks and trumpet. Monkeys cheer, jumping and stamping the ground. Zebras bray and stamp, raising dust. Simba looks around confused, while Apollo laps up all the attention. Letting out another meow. A single beam of light shines through the clouds, illuminating them. The herds then bow to them.

The presentation ends and Rafiki returns my sons to me. They both enjoy a well deserved drink of milk. Sarafina lays beside me, feeding Nala. "I'm going to go look for Scar" Mufasa tells me.

"Don't be to hard him dear" I tell him.

"Of course" he says and nuzzles me happily. He then licks both our cubs heads before leaving with Zazu. Telling him to find Scar.

"Someone's in trouble" Diku giggles. Dwala and I give her a look.

"Queen Sarabi, can we go explore?" Beauty-spot asks me.

"Of course you can, but remember no hunting" I tell them. They nod their heads and left. "You know it won't belong until we celebrate the birth of Nala and Simba's future cub" I state.

"No, don't speak of that" Sarafina whines. "I want them to stay like this forever" she states. Holding her daughter close.

"You know they won't" Naanda reminds her.

"I can dream" Sarafina states. As our three cubs form a pile and fall asleep in between us.

"Do you think Apollo will have a mate in future?" Nadira asks.

"I hope so" I tell her.

"I want one" Diku whines.

"Not me" Dwala state and we chuckle. We all continue to chat and relax. We soon went our separate ways. Some going to the den, others the water hole, Dwala and Naanda went to check on the teens. While Sarafina and I took our cubs to the shade rocks to play. While we sun ourselves.

Soon Mufasa appears and lays beside me. "How did it go with Scar?" I ask him.

"As well as you'd expect" he tells me. "How are our sons?" he asks. As Apollo and Nala tackle Simba. He meows in protest.

"Boisterous" I tell him and he smiles. Simba meows in protest as Apollo and Nala keep him pinned.

"Ok, enough you two" Mufasa chuckles as he picks up Apollo. Sarafina grabbed Nala. Simba gets up and shakes the dust from his fur. But was still dirty.

"Time for a bath" I state and grab Simba. He yowls in protest as I start to give him a bath. The other two chuckle and Sarafina gives a happy Nala bath. Apollo whined for one from Mufasa. Who gave in and gave him one. Before going on patrol.

That night we all slept in the den together. Apollo and Simba using Mufasa's mane as a pillow. Nala snuggled into her mother's side. The other members of the pride dotted around the den. We all fell asleep.


Picture above of Sarabi with Simba and Apollo. Video above of Circle of Life and pictures in chapter of the pride members. Picture on the external link of Sarafina with Nala.

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