Union of Two Prides

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Yue's POV

So it's been about a month since the battle and Zira is dead. Today Kiara and Kovu are marrying. Uniting their two prides. Ray and I married last week. We went to the oasis in the desert for some alone time. But now, we are at pride rock with our pride. To witness the union of Kiara and Kovu's prides.

Uncle Simba, Aunt Nala, and Rafiki sit at the head of the new pride, with Kovu and Kiara nearby. Zazu, Timon, and Pumbaa sit on the fringes of the crowd. Like my pride do. As Rafiki and Simba smile at one another. Rafiki beams at the sky, then shakes his gourds over Kovu and Kiara, who nuzzle. Signifying their union. Uncle Simba smiles at the couple.

Kiara smiles at Kovu before nuzzling him again. Aunt Nala nuzzles Simba, who looks briefly at her before beaming at Kovu and Kiara once more. I lean on Ray nuzzling him and he smiles. As Kovu and Kiara halt their embrace to smile at Uncle Simba. They then stride forward to sit next to Simba, Nala, and Rafiki. Completing the circle of both prides together.

Timon and Pumba start to sob. Zazu holds up his wings to shield himself from Timon and Pumbaa's tears. Uncle Simba, aunt Nala, Rafiki, Kovu, and Kiara smile at the newly united pride.

Uncle Simba and aunt Nala stand and stride past the lionesses. Who bow as they pass. Kovu and Kiara follow. All four reach the edge of the promontory. Uncle Simba lets out a mighty roar, followed by Kovu. Soon all four are roaring for the cheering herds below. The pride roar as one. We join in cheering with the other on lookers.

"Yue" a feminine voice says and I look up to see Sarafina & another lioness smiling from above. Along with a lion I recognize the other two as my grandparents.

"Well done my granddaughter" Grandma Sarabi says.

"We are on" Grandpa Mufasa says. The sun shines down on Pride Rock. The union ceremony is over and the herds disperse. The other four rejoin us as we lounge in the alcove.

"Well I hope you two are ready to lead the pride" Aunt Nala tells Kiara and Kovu.

"Why?" Kovu asks.

"I'm pregnant" she says with a smile and Uncle Simba nuzzles her happily.

"I'm gonna be a big sister?" Kiara asks shocked.

"Yes" Aunt Nala says.

"I can't wait to have cubs of our own" Ray states.

"With how we were last week, I'd be surprised if we weren't expecting" I say with a giggle.

"Yes, we'll no long be the youngest!" Rico cheers. His paw is fully healed now. Just in time to, the green lands are green again. The herds have returned. Today my pride returns home.

"Means we'll have to work" Noah tells him and Rico groans.

"We'll start your training tomorrow" dad tells them. "Think you two can handle the pride?" he asks Ray and I.

"Can a bird fly?" Ray asks and we all laugh.

"Queen Yue" a tentative voice says. I turn to see Dotty and her sister. The three of us have become good friends since the battle. They love my little brothers.

"Can we ask you something?" Spotty asks.

"Of course" I tell her.

"We humbly ask to join your pride" they say bowing their heads. I look at them surprised.

"But Vitani" I say.

"She understands our request" Dotty states. "I wish to start a new life in a new land" she explains.

"But we can't go alone" Spotty states. "Especially with Dotty in her condition" she adds. Dotty gives her a pointed look.

"Condition?" Ray asks.

"I'm pregnant" Dotty admits sheepishly. "About half way through" she states.

"We'd be honoured to have you both join" I tell her and she smiles.

"Just don't be strangers" Vitani says as she joins us.

"We won't" Spotty assures her.

"We should probably head out" Ray states.

"He's right" mum agrees as she joins us with the rest of our pride. We said our goodbyes to the new pride land pride. Before setting off for the green lands. Both Rico and Noah are excited to be going home at last. I myself am happy to be returning home, especially if I am pregnant. I want to raise my cubs in my prides den.

We arrive as the sun reaches it's highest peak. We all go lounge in the shade to avoid the midday heat. "This place is beautiful" Dotty states.

"Sure is" Spotty agrees.

"Welcome to your new home" I tell them.

"I have to go on patrol and mark our borders" Ray states. He nudges me chaffing happily, before leaving. Mheetu and dad go with him. The rest of us decide to take a nap.

We are woken by Mheetu's roar. The guys had caught a buffalo for us all the eat. We all join them at the kill. The eat first with the cubs and Dotty. The rest of us eat after. Before going to the river to drink. We then return to the den.

"I can give you guys a tour tomorrow" I tell Dotty and Spotty.

"A tour would be nice" Spotty states.

"Right now I just want to sleep" Dotty says with a yawn.

"Well sleep where ever you want" I tell her. She nods and goes into the den. My brothers have already been put to bed. Soon the rest of the pride trickle into the den. As I look up at the stars. Ray lays beside me and I lean into his side. "It's good to be home" I state.

"It sure is" he agrees. "I can't believe we're king and queen now. That we're together" he states.

"I just hope we don't screw up" I tell him.

"You won't" he assures me. "Besides, we're in this together" he states.

"And my parents are still here to advise us" I state. He nods his head. "Lets call is a night" I tell him and he agrees. We enter the den and take our spot at the center of the pride. We lay down and I fall asleep using his mane as a pillow, like always.


Picture above of the outsiders joining the pride lands pride.

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