Epilogue: New Era

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Yue's POV

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Yue's POV

So Dotty had two daughters. Nahko and Pearl. Bother love to explore and get into trouble. My brothers are now teenagers. Rico likes to pick fights and has scars to prove it. I fear one day he'll challenge the wrong animal. Noah is as chill as ever, but knows when to be serious.

Aunt Nala had her cubs. You heard right cubs. Twin boys. Kion and Kopa. Kion looks a long like Uncle Simba, where as Kopa looks like a male Kiara. Both cubs are strong and had been presented last week. I wasn't present as I had my own boys to look after.

That's right, I was pregnant. I had two healthy cubs, one boy and one girl. First the future king, Diego and his little sister Karai. She had my father's eyes. While Diego has Ray's. I love them both with all my heart. Ray does too, he is so proud.

Today is our cubs presentation day. Aunt Nala won't be here due to her boys. But Uncle Simba will be here with Kiara. Who apparently has news. Luma and Nami have a bet on if she is pregnant or not. I'm grooming my cubs, so that they are clean.

The sun has began to rise. "Darling, it's time" Ray tells me.

"Just a little longer" I tell him as I groom Diego's head.

"He looks fine Yue" Ray chuckles picking him up.

"I just want everything to be perfect" I tell him. He nudges me and I smile. I pick up Karai and we set off for the meeting place. Our pride following. We arrive and take our spots. I go to resume my grooming of Karai and Diego. But Ray stops me.

"They're perfect Yue" he assures me and I sigh. Rafiki appears as I hear the herds singing Circle of Life. I smile as Ray goes to greet Rafiki. They hugs as Uncle Simba joins the pride with the other two. Ray leads Rafiki over to me and the cubs.

"Rafiki, allow us to introduce our cubs" I say with a warm smile. "Our son and future king Diego" I say nuzzling my son. Who mewls happily.

"And our little princess Karai" Ray says nuzzling her and she smiles up at him. Rafiki rattles his staff over the cubs. Diego swipes at it when it gets to close to his little sister. I awe as Rafiki chuckles with Ray. Rafiki breaks a gourd open, dips his thumb in the juice, and marks Diego's forehead, then Karai's. Rafiki grabs a handful of sand and sprinkles it over both cubs, causing them to sneeze.

"It is time" Rafiki tells us. He picks up Diego while Ray carries our daughter. The head for the highest part of the rock. Where Ray gives Rafiki our daughter. Rafiki raises them both into the air introducing them to the herds. Who all show their approval. The cubs are returned to me and begin to suckle happily. As the herds left and the pride gathered round.

"They are beautiful Yue" Kiara tells me.

"Thanks, so when are you due?" I ask noticing the slight swell in her belly and she laughs lightly.

"It about two months" she states as she lays beside me. "Kovu is veryexcited" she tells me.

"Don't pretend that you aren't" he tells her.

"I am excited, just not looking forward to the birth. It looks painful" she states.

"It is" I admit. "But it's so worth it" I tell her as I smile at my cubs. "How are my new cousins Uncle Simba?" I ask him.

"Lively, Kion seems to make friends where ever he goes. In fact he's befriended a honey badger" he says with a chuckle. "Kopa of more reserve, but is always wanting to explore" he states.

"Guess you'll have your paws filled" Ray states.

"So will you" my uncle tells him.

"I hope I'll only have one cub to worry about" Kiara tells us.

"I don't know, I'm a twin and your mum had twins" Kovu reminds her.

"Don't jinx me" she snaps pouting and we all chuckle.

"Looks like our little ones are tired" Ray states and I see our cubs sleeping.

"Guess we'll stay here awhile" I state. "I can't wait for them to meet their cousins" I add.

"Great kings help us when that day arrives" Uncle Simba chuckles. "We'd love to stay, but I promised Nala we'd come straight home to tell her about the new cubs" he states. I nod my head in understanding. He leaves with Kiara and Kovu.

"This is a happy ending" Ray says laying behind me. Head on my back looking at our sleeping cubs.

"It's not an ending, but a beginning" Dotty corrects him.

"Of a new era of peace" I state.

"You both are right" he agrees.

(Time skip) Third Persons POV

"Think we should go back?" Kiara asks Kovu as she holds their daughter, Kiri.

"Oh just a little longer" Kovu says as he smiles as their oldest son Thor yawns cutely. "Besides, Kiri and Mufasa Jr are a sleep" he states. Little Mufasa Jr and Kiri are indeed a sleep. And it looks like their big brother is about to follow them.

"Ok, a little longer" Kiara relents. "But remember we have a big day tomorrow" she reminds him. "What with their presentation, my cousins whole pride coming over for a visit. There's be cubs everywhere" she states.

"I know, won't it be great?" he asks her.

"It could mean big trouble if the cubs decide to wonder off" she states.

"You mean like you did when we meet?" he asks with a chuckle as he raises his head.

"You mean like you when you decided to jump onto a crocodile" she retorts.

"You followed" he reminds her and they both laugh.

"There you two are" someone says from above.

"Oh no, it's the dodo" Kovu grumbles and Kiara nuzzles him. Zazu lands in front of them.

"The whole pride is looking for you five" he states.

"Kovu and I just wanted to spend some alone time with our cubs before tomorrow Zazu" Kiara tells him. "We'll head back soon" she states.

"Your father is already on his way to collect you" Zazu states and she groans.

"I'm not a cub anymore" she grumbles and Kovu nudges her gently. Simba appears and gently picks up Mufasa Jr. Kiara picks up Kiri as Kovu grabbed Thor. They all head back to pride rock, Zazu leading the way.

Dotty and Yue were right. It was the beginning of a new era of peace for both the pride lands and green lands. Even with hyena's returning to the neighborhood. They generally avoided angering the lions. Things were perfect for the new generation of cubs. Food and water is plentiful, no enemies to worry about. Life was indeed peaceful.

The End.


Picture above of Rico and Noah now. Pictures in chapter of Kion, Kopa, Karai, Diego, Nahko and Pearl. Picture on the external link of Kiara and Kovu with their three cubs. Video above of Circle of Life.

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