Scar's Tale

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Apollo's POV

We arrived safely at pride rock and I notice a beetle. Simba and I take turns trying to catch it. But it escapes. "If you both wish to kill something, you might want to stay downwind" Uncle Scar tells us. I look up to see him on a nearby ridge.

"We know how to hunt Uncle Scar, besides dad just gave us a pouncing lesson" I state as we head over to him.

"Well, let's hope we're never attacked by a beetle" he tells me. "Go back to the den you two, I don't baby sit" he adds. As he got up to walk away.

"We don't need a baby sitter" I tell him.

"Uncle Scar, guess what?" Simba asks him giddily.

"I despise guessing games" Uncle Scar tells him.

"Come on Uncle, live a little" I tell him.

"I'm going to be king of Pride Rock" Simba declares proudly.

"Oh, goodie" Uncle Scar says and I cock my head to the side.

"Our dad just showed us the whole kingdom. And I'm gonna rule it all" Simba laughs.

"Is that so?" Uncle Scar asks.

"Think about it! When I'm king, I'll have to give you and Apollo orders. Tell you both what to do. How weird is that?" Simba asks us.

"Don't think I'll let you push me around Simba" I tell him. "But I will support you" I add and he smiles. "King Simba and his main advisor Prince Apollo" I declare.

"Yes. Well, forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know" Uncle Scar tells us. He flops onto his side. Simba jumped onto his main.

"Hey, Uncle Scar. When I'm king and with Apollo as my advisor, what'll that make you?" Simba asks him curious.

"A monkey's uncle" he drawls. Simba rolls off of him with a laugh.

"You're so weird" we tell him with a chuckle.

"You both have no idea" he tells us. Before getting back up and starts to walk away. "So, your father showed you both the whole kingdom, did he?" he asks us curious.

"Everything" I tell him.

"He didn't show you what's beyond that rise at the northern border?" he asks.

"Well, no. He said we can't go there" Simba tells him.

"Ever"I add.

"And he's absolutely right" Uncle Scar tells us. "It's far too dangerous. Only the bravest lions go there" he states.

"Well we're brave" I tell him proudly.

"What's out there?" Simba asks him.

"I'm sorry Simba, Apollo I simply can't tell you" he tells us.

"Why not?" we whine.

"Simba, Apollo I'm only looking out for the well-being of my favorite nephews" Uncle Scar tells us. Messing with my mane.

"Yeah right" I say swatting his paw away.

"We're your only nephews" Simba remind him.

"All the more reason for me to be protective. An elephant graveyard is no place for two young princes" Uncle Scar tells us. "Opps" he says covering his mouth.

"An elephant graveyard? Whoa" Simba says looking at the horizon.

"Oh, dear, I've said too much. Though I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later, you being  king and all" Uncle Scar states.

"Have you been there Uncle?" I ask curious.

"We've all been there, and it's no place for a cub. Let alone two. All those rotting bones and burning pools of oozing mud" he explains.

"Rotting bones? Oozing mud?!" Simba asks excitedly.

"Oh, just do me one favor: promise me you both will never visit that dreadful place" Uncle Scar says. I share a look with Simba and we smile at each other. We are so going.

"No problem" we tell him.

"There's two good lads" Uncle Scar praises. "Now you both run along and have fun" he tells us. We go to leave. "But remember, it's our little secret" he adds.

"Sure thing Uncle Scar" I tell him.

"Lets go tell Nala and Nikki" Simba says.

"Do we have to tell her?" I ask him.

"What's wrong with Nikki?" he asks me.

"She's annoying" I state.

"So? She's our friend and it'd be wrong to leave her out" he states.

"Fine, we'll tell them both" I mutter. We go to the shady rocks. Where mum, Sarafina, Tyra and two of our aunts are sunning themselves. While Nala and Nikki receive a bath from their mothers. Guess they just got back from chasing the hyenas off.

"Nala, come on we have to go" Simba states.

"You to Nikki" I add.

"Where?" she asks as her mother continues to bath her.

"Watering hole" I lie.

"Apollo, she is having a bath" Tyra tells me.

"Simba, I'm kinda in the middle of a bath too" Nala tells him.

"And it's time for both of yours" mum declares. She grabs Simba as he tried to run. While Aunt Dwala beacons me over. I trotted over happily as Simba complains. I sit in front of my aunt and she starts to give me a bath, making sure she gets behind the ears.

"Mom! Mom, you're messing up my mane" Simba whines. She just licks his forehead and smiles at him affectionately.

"Come on Simba, I have more of a mane then you and you don't see me complaining" I state. He just gives me a pointed look as mum continues to bath him. Aunt Dwala doing the same with me. Simba manages to wriggle free of mum and rolls over on his back. He gives his paw a quick lick, then grins up at mum.

"See? All clean! Can we go?" Simba asks as he bats her paws.

"There's no hyenas, you just chased them all off" I add.

"What's so great about the watering hole?" Nikki asks as Tyra finishes bathing her.

"Yeah, we've been there many times" Nala adds.

"We'll tell you when we get there" Simba says giving them a look. They finally catch on. Nala sits up looking up at her mum.

"Oh. Uh, Mom? Can I go with Simba?" Nala asks innocently.

"Can I go mum?" Nikki asks her mother sweetly.

"Hmm. What do you think, Sarabi?" Sarafina and Tyra ask my mum. As Aunt Dwala finishes my bath. I thank her and go join the other three.

"Well..." mum says looking down at all of us.

"Please?" we plead smiling up at her.

"It's alright with me" she declares and we cheer. "But just to the watering hole and no further. And stay down wind" she tells us.

"We will mum" I assure her as we start to leave.

"And one more thing" she calls and we look back at her. "Zazu will be going with you" she states.

"What?!" Nikki and I ask.

"Not Zazu" Nala and Simba whine.

"Zazu goes, or you don't" she tells us. I agree reluctantly. Zazu appears and we set out for the watering hole. Man how are we going to ditch the dodo?


Picture above of Simba with Scar.

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