Three New Members

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Yue's POV

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Yue's POV

So I am now nearly five months old. Kiara is only just turned four months old. Being nearly three weeks younger then me. Anyway, apparently we have new members to the pride. I'm excited as I'll no longer be the only cub. Though I pray I don't get asked to baby sit. It'd be so boring.

"Yue!" someone calls and I turn to see Mheetu. "There you are, it's time for you to meet my cubs" he states. Did I forget to mention he fathered all three cubs? Honestly I thought only the king could do that. But my dad is really chill about it all. As long as Mheetu and the mothers of his cubs remember their place in the pride.

"Of course, lead the way" I say and he does so happily. "So names?" I ask.

"You'll find out when you meet them" he states. I flatten my ears. I'm a future queen, he should treat me with more respect. Apparently I'm like my great grandfather in that regard. But to me, it just good manners. Dad always taught me to respect my elders, which is why I never complain. But as a grown up, Mheetu should know how to treat a princess with respect. Hell, his sister if the queen of the pride lands.

We arrive at the den to see everyone outside. I notice Sarafina is here also. She is the last of my grandfather's pride. Simba has had a flood of new lionesses joining him. One of which had two female cubs in tow. Tiifu and Zuri, who are Kiara's best friends. I have no friends, not really. Sure I hang out with Kiara and the other two when we visit the pride lands. But I've grown up as the only cub until now.

I think mum hopes the new cubs will help me enjoy cub life more. But I can't just goof off all the time. I still have so much to learn about being a queen in future. Anyway, I bow my head to Sarafina. "An honour to see you again Sarafina" I say respectfully.

 "An honour to see you again Sarafina" I say respectfully

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"As well mannered as ever" she chuckles. Then frowns. "I wish you would act your age deary" sh tells me. I bow my head, I hate disappointing her. But I have no idea how to act my age. She lifts my chin with her tail. "A princess never bows her head" she tells me.

"Right, I'll remember that" I tell her.

"Princess, come meet our cubs!" Serena calls. Before looking back at her cub smiling fondly. Luna is grooming one of hers, as they both lay in front of her. I head over with my head held high. "My daughter, Nami" she says proudly.

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