Day After Fire

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Yue's POV

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Yue's POV

So Dot hadn't made it, she had been trapped under a fallen tree and could not escape. It hit us all hard, especially her sister Zumi. I didn't get much sleep last night, I was worried about the fire damage to my home land. Dad didn't want me to come with him and Ray to investigate the damage. But I wouldn't take no for an answer. Mum stayed at pride rock to watch over my brothers with Zumi. Mheetu and the others were left in charge of finding a better place for our pride to sleep in the pride lands. As Pride rock was not meant to house two big prides.

"Stay close you two" dad tells Ray and I. "Even with the fire out, there will be many new dangers with the damage done by it" he states. We nod out head as we cross the river. We climb the hill and I gasp in horror. Everything is dead.

"It'll grow back" Ray assures me. I nod my head mutely as we follow my dad down onto the burnt earth. A haze surrounds us, making it hard to see. I feel Ray step closer, probably worried he lose sight of me in this haze.

"I must thank you Ray, you saved my sons and protected Yue" dad states.

"I was just doing my duty, besides Yue is my friend" Ray states. For some reason it hurt for him to call me a friend. Do I see him as something more? If so, when did I start seeing him that way?

"Never the less, I'll be eternally grateful" dad tells him. "Looks like Dot wasn't the only one to perish in the flames" he says sadly. I gasp at the burnt bodies of two wildebeest. One was obviously only a calf.

"Don't look Yue" Ray says blocking my view of them. I bury my head in his mane as tears gather in my eyes. "It'll be ok" he assures me.

"Keep up you two" dad calls and we hurry after him.

"Do you think Kovu is on the level?" Ray asks him.

"I don't know what to think, he had only been a newborn when he left with the other outsiders" he states.

"Uncle Simba banished cubs?" I ask shocked.

"He didn't want too, he offered them a chance to remain. But the older cubs wouldn't leave their mothers and Kovu along with his sister were to young to have an opinion" dad tells us. "I'm surprised they were able to raise him to adult hood in the out lands. There is little food there and less water" he states.

"Well they found a way" I state.

"How long do you think it will take for the grass to grow back?" Ray asks my dad.

"Should start growing in a week, but it'll be nearly a month until their is enough for small herds to return. Sooner if it rains" dad states. We nod our heads as we reach the den. The log is gone, luckily as adults we can jump the gap. "The den looks to be intake, lets go tell the others" dad tells us and we head back.

As we reached the pride lands I spot Kiara with Kovu by a flock of birds. Looks like Kovu is giving her lesson in stealth as he stalks towards the birds. We ignore them and continue on to pride rock. Where dad gave our report. Mheetu says they had found us a place to sleep. Lucky it's not far from Rafiki's tree, so he'd be able to come check on Rico's paw daily.

Ray and I go to the alcove. We join Tiifu, Zuri, Luma and Nami. "I wonder where Kiara is" Tiifu muses out loud.

"She's with Kovu" I state and they all look at me. "I saw them together when Ray and I were walking back with my dad" I tell them. Luma, Tiifu, and Zuri groan.

"You and Kiara always get the lions" Zuri whines.

"I don't see the big deal" Nami states swishing her tail.

"Of course you don't, you never had an interest in boy talk" Luma states.

"What do you mean Kiara and I always get the lions?" I ask Zuri.

"You've always had Ray and now Kiara has Kovu" she states. Ray and I avoid looking at each other.

"We're not together, just friends" Ray mumbles.

"Right, friends" I grumble and get up. "I'm gonna go check on my brothers" I state and head for the den. I arrive to see Rafiki places a plant in front of my mother.

"This will help, make sure he doesn't scratch it. It will become itchy as it heals" Rafiki states. She nods her head thanking him. Before he left, smiling at me as he passes. I bow my head to him in thanks.

"How's our wounded soldier?" I ask.

"Bored" Rico complains and I chuckle.

"It's not so bad" Noah tells him as mum gives him a bath.

"Yeah will your used to lounging around, I'm not" Rico reminds him.

"Are you ok Yue?" mum asks me.

"Yeah, just had a lot on my mind recently" I tell her.

"Anything I can help with?" she asks.

"How did you know you liked dad?" I ask and she giggles.

"I didn't at first, in fact I used to drive your father crazy" she states and I look at her surprised. "I was always nipping his tail, trying to get him to play with me. As Simba was always with Nala" she explains.

"If you drove dad crazy? How are you together now?" Rico asks her.

"We went through a lot together, in face I guess it's thank to Mheetu we're together" mum states.

"How is it thanks to Mheetu?" Noah asks curious.

"He turned up when we were teenagers, just a cub with no one to raise him. We adopted him into the pride. He brought out your dad's old self, from before the death of Mufasa. Reminded him the strength that comes with friendship and family" mum explains. "I always had your dad's back and he had mine. I knew he'd never let anything happen to me, he saved my life when we were cubs" she states.

"But how did you know?" I ask her pleadingly.

"When you find your other half, you just know" she assures me. "If you and Ray are meant to be, it'll happen" she states.

"Ray?! Who said anything about Ray?" I demand. "He only sees me as a friend" I grumble looking down.

"Oh Yue, you are the future queen" mum reminds me gently. "You just have to remind him you are more then that" she states.

"How?" I ask her.

"Spend time with him and he will remember" she assures me. I nod my head. Maybe he and I can go star gazing, we haven't done it in weeks. And we still haven't cloud gazed, though there haven't been any to gaze at. I'll ask him tomorrow.


Picture above of Kiara and Kovu. Picture in chapter of the fire damage.

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