Take the Other Cubs

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Yue's POV

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Yue's POV

I look around and see the ghost is clear. Thank the great kings. I leave the den and set out to go to the pride lands. When suddenly Ray blocks my path. "Morning Yue, what'cha doing?" he asks me with a smile.

"Going to explore" I drawl and go to leave.

"Great, I'll go with you" he states.

"I did not invite you" I state.

"Where are you going anyway?" he asks me.

"The pride lands" I tell him.

"The pride lands" Luma says behind us and I groan.

"We've never been before, lets all go" Nami states. I go to snap at them when my mum and Mheetu appears. "Morning your highness" she say.

"Morning" mum says. "I trust you are behaving Yue" she says looking at me.

"Of course I am" I tell her mildly offended. It's the other three who always causing trouble and I always get blamed. Just because I'm the future queen, but it's not my fault they don't listen to me. "I was just on my way to the pride lands to see Kiara and the others" I state.

"Well take the others with you" she tells me.

"But mum..." I go to protest.

"Yue, what have I told you?" she asks me.

"About what?" I ask her.

"About spending time with the other cubs?" she asks.

"To play with them when they ask and allow them to tag along if they ask" I grumble.

"Exactly" she says smiling nuzzles me fondly. "Mheetu will go with you, Simba has summoned us. Something had happened yesterday, Mheetu is going to find out what" she states.

"Yes mum" I say. As the other three cheer. We set out for the pride lands. Mheetu leading the way.

"So who were the others you mentioned?" Ray asks me.

"We know Kiara is the future queen of the pride lands" Luma adds.

"The others, are Tiifu and Zuri. Kiara's best friends" I tell them.

"Like Luma and I" Nami says and I nod. The journey was uneventful. Aside from Ray trying to get me to play tag. I thought we would of found Kiara and the others before we reached pride rock. But turns out they are in the sunning area next to it.

"Yue!" Tiifu says happily.

"What are you all doing here?" I ask them confused.

"Kiara is grounded" Zuri chuckles.

"Why? What happened?" I ask.

"She went to out lands and played with a outsider cub" Tiifu explains.

"You went to the outlands?!" Luma exclaims.

"What was it like?" Nami asks.

"Yue, who are these?" Kiara asks.

"Luma, Nami and Ray" I state.

"Stay with Kiara" Mheetu tells us before ascending pride rock. No doubt to go look for Simba or Nala. Tiifu and Zuri meanwhile circle Ray.

"He's cute Yue" Tiifu states.

"Very cute" Zuri agrees and Ray looks down bashful.

"Hey leave my brother alone" Luma tells them.

"Girls" Kiara says and they leave him. See, why can't the others listen to me like that?

"Anyway Kiara, why did you go to the out lands?" I ask her.

"It was an accident, I was chasing a bug and ended up at the border. Then Timon and Pumba nearly drowned me in a pond. But they got distracted, so I slipped away. I went to the out lands to get away from them" she explains. "That's where I meet Kovu" she states.

"He sounds handsome" Luma states.

"I don't know, I was trying not to be eaten by crocodiles. He saved me, we started to play. That's when his mother and dad appeared with the pride" Kiara states. "Kovu was taken away by his mother. While dad carried me back here, while the pride followed" she explains.

"Well I'm not surprised you're grounded, you broke many rules" I state.

"Rules were made to be broken" Nami tells me.

"No, they were made to keep us safe" I correct her.

"Boring, lets do something fun" Luma states.

"Kiara is grounded" Ray remind her.

"So?" Tiifu asks.

"Wouldn't be the first time we sneaked off" Zuri adds.

"Why not go to the water hole" Nami suggests.

"Been there a hundred times, but you guys are new" Kiara states. "Come on, it's only right as future queen that I gave you all a tour of the pride lands" she states. I sigh, knowing there was no stopping them. So I went along. Tiifu and Zuri pointing things out to the others. While I walk beside Kiara.

"So guess what?" I ask her.

"What?" she asks.

"Can you keep a secret?" I ask her.

"Of course" she says.

"I think my mum is pregnant" I whisper.

"That's great" she says and I look down. "Isn't it?" she asks me.

"I'm not opposed to being a big sister, but what if I'm a bad one?" I ask her.

"You'd be an amazing big sister" she states. "I believe in you" she tells me.

"But I'm not like the rest of you, I don't know how to have fun" I tell her.

"You'll learn, besides the other three will help you" she states.

"She's right" Ray states as he appears on my other side. "We're all in this together" he tells me. I give him a grateful smile. The tour was uneventful. Afterwards, we returned to pride rock. Mheetu, took the others and me home. Where we all went to bed early, exhausted from all the walking we had done today.


Picture above of Luma. Pictures in chapter of Nami, Ray and Yue. Picture on the external link of Kiara with Zuri and Tiifu.

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