Leaving the Pride Lands

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Apollo's POV

We arrive at pride rock to see the whole pride gather. But no sign of dad or Simba. Only uncle Scar, who looks down on all of us from a boulder. "Scar, what's going on?" mum asks him.

"I'm afraid, Zazu and I are the bearers of tragic news" Scar says gloomily.

"Mufasa and Simba are dead!" Zazu cries. Everyone starts to talk at once demanding answers.

"Silence!" mum roars and they become silent as I hide under her. "Zazu explain" she states.

"Mufasa and I were on patrol when Scar came to us saying Simba was in the gorge. That there was a stampede" Zazu explains.

"I had taken Simba on a walk to talk, but he run into the gorge. I tried to call him back. But he started trying to roar and it startled the herd, I knew I could not save him alone. So ran for help" Scare explains.

"When we arrived Simba was still alive and Mufasa went to save him. I went to come get help, but wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and ran into a wall" Zazu explains.

"I tried to get down to Simba and Mufasa, but by the time I did. I was to late" Scar states. As tears fill my eyes, Simba and Dad can't be dead. I notice Nala and Nikki are crying also. Along with the pride. Zazu flies down to mum and I. He places a comforting wing on her paw. "Mufasa's death is a terrible tragedy. But to lose Simba, who had barely begun to live" he says bowing his head moan-fully. The rest of the pride do the same.

Mum licks my head and I nuzzle into her. "For me, it is a deep, personal loss" he says. "We are only lucky Apollo has survived, but he is to young to be king" Scar states. "So it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne" he announces. "Yet out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise to greet" he starts to say and I hear hyenas laughing. Mum silently growls getting a defensize crouch over me.

"The dawning of a new era, in which lion and hyena come together  in a great and glorious future!" Scar says as he ascends pride rock. He lets out a loud roar, claiming his new title as king.

"Mum" I say.

"It'll be ok Apollo" she assures me as she eyes the hyenas. Nikki and Nala come over with their mums. "We must all stick together" she tells them and they nod. They carry us into the den. Where Scar has already made himself at home on dad's sleeping spot. With Zira and her friends close by.

Tyra, Sarafina and mum encircle Nala, Nikki, & I. Telling us to sleep. I fall into a restless sleep, is this the danger grandpa Ahadi had mentioned? How am I supposed to save the pride lands? I'm only a cub.

Third Persons POV

"Tyra, I must ask you to do something" Sarabi says quietly.

"Anything my queen" Tyra states.

"I want you to take Apollo with Nikki and leave the pride lands" Sarabi tells her.

"You can't be serious?" Sarafina states.

"It's not safe for Apollo here, not with Scar as king. He must grow up and one day challenge Scar for the throne. He can't do that if he remains here" Sarabi explains.

"I know just where to go" Tyra assures her. "I can take Nala as well" she tells Sarafina.

"No, it'll be hard enough you looking after two cubs alone, let alone three. We will protect Nala" Sarafina states. "But try to find Aang, he will help you" she states.

"You must leave tomorrow while we're out hunting" Sarabi tells Tyra. Who nods her head. They all fall into a light sleep.

(Next day) Apollo's POV

I woke to see mum and the others gone. Only Nala, Nikki, Tyra and Sarafina were still around. "Time to go Apollo" Tyra tells me.

"Go where?" I ask confused.

"No time for questions, come" she says and heads for the back exit. Nikki follows her. But I just watch them confused, until Sarafina nudges me after them.

"Go young one, you're going to make it" she tells me. I follow them. Nala and Sarafina went the opposite way. Leaving through the front entrance. Nikki and I follow her mum down pride rock & we head for the white hills.

"Mum, where are we going?" Nikki asks.

"We're leaving the pride lands" Tyra states.

"But I can't leave, I'm the future king now" I tell her.

"Do you really think you'll live to be king under Scar's reign?" she asks me. "It is no longer safe for you here Apollo, you will be king one day. But that day isn't today" she states.

"But where are we going?" Nikki asks.

"There is a place beyond the white hills where we'll be safe. And you two will be able to grow in piece" Tyra states.

"How come mum and Nala aren't here?" I ask her.

"Your mum is still queen and will not abandon our home. Nala will remain with her mother, she will be safe" Tyra states. I look back longingly. "You will return Apollo and be king" she assures me. "Now come along you two" she tells us.

"I'll help you take back our home in future" Nikki tells me.

"Thanks Nikki" I say with a smile. We hurry after her mum. We had crossed the border by noon. We slow our pace a little and stop for a drink.Before looking up at the white hills.

"I can't climb that" Nikki whines.

"You can" Tyra tells her.

"I'll help you" I add and Nikki smiles. Tyra sets off up the mountains. We follow her. "What's beyond the white hills?" I ask Tyra.

"The south lands and green lands, there will be plenty of food for us. But little water with the approaching dry season. We must drinking water sparingly" she explains. We nod our heads. "You both listen to me and you will survive" she states.

"What about you?" Nikki asks.

"I am no important" Tyra states. "What matters is you two, but I will live until you both are ready to live on your own" she assures us. We continue on our journey up the mountains.


Picture above of Tyra, Nikki and Apollo.

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