Green Lands

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Apollo's POV

It's been a few of weeks since we settled in the green lands. Nikki and I are nearly five months old now. We're fully weened onto meet now. Though Tyra has trouble getting big enough prey to feed all of us. Nikki and I are practicing our hunting and fighting skills. But we are to small to help take down big prey. But we have caught some small prey by ourselves. Nikki says we'll be big enough to join her on hunts in about seven months, where we're teenagers.

I wake first and go outside the den. It's really just burrow under a thicket. It fits us all now, but soon Nikki and I will be t big for us all to fit. So we are all trying to find a new place to live. I sigh as I look over the green lands, it is beautiful. But it's not home. I long to return to the pride lands, to my mum. But Tyra says it's to dangerous and I must wait until I am a young adult.

"Apollo" Nikki says tentatively from behind me.

"Morning Nikki" I say stiffly. I've grown more mature since we've been here. Though Nikki says I've grown more serious. Saying I need to lessen up. But I can't, the fate of the pride lands is on my shoulders. What if by the time I am a young adult, the damage Scar has done is irreversible?

"What are you doing up so early?" she asks me.

"Observing" I state.

"You're always so serious, come on how about a game of tag before my mum wakes" she suggests.

"I have no time for fun and games" I tell her.

"You never have fun anymore, we're still cubs you know" she reminds me. I ignore her as I scent something on the air. I raise my head and sniff. "Are you ignoring me?" she demands.

"Use your brain, do you smell that?" I ask her. She looks confused and scents the air.

"I don't recognize it" she states.

"Wake your mother, we have company" I tell her and she hurries into the thicket. Soon returns with her mum. "Strangers" I state.

"Stay here both of you, I shall investigate" Tyra tells us.  She starts to leave as we stay outside. "Wait inside" she adds and we sigh as she takes off to investigate the scent.

"We're not staying are we?" Nikki asks me.

"You are" I state.

"What?!" she exclaims.

"You'll be safe here, so stay" I tell her.

"You can't boss me around" she snaps.

"I can to, I am future king" I remind her.

"You aren't king yet" she states. "Now come on" she tells me and takes off. I groan and follow her. Why can't se just stay where she is safe. I already lost my brother and may never see Nala again. I want to make sure my last friend stays alive and is safe.

We near the river and stay down wind. Soon I hear two foreign voices. Crouching low, we look over the hill. Where Tyra is hiding in the tall grass. Watching the two rogue lionesses as they approached the river.

"Did you see how those zebra scattered and run? It was priceless" the darker lioness chuckles.

"Yeah, it was funny" the other giggles. "You know what mum would say if she was here though" she states.

"Zumi, Dot don't play with your food!" the other snaps in a high pitched voice. Both dissolve into laughter. "Anyway, you think the pride landers will accept us?" she asks.

"I'm sure they well, I hear King Mufasa is very accepting of new members. Well female members, the only males are his blood relatives" the other states. Tyra roars catching their attention and they turn to face her.

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