Overthrowing Scar

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Apollo's POV

We're in position, we strike tonight when Scar and his followers will less expect it. We are using Rafiki's tree as our hideout. He gave us permission. I sent Mheetu out to scout. Sure he is still a teenager, but he is the smallest of us. So he'd be the less likely spotted. "He's been gone to long" Dot states as she paces.

"He'll be fine" Nikki assures her.

"Be patient sister" Zumi says. Dot had sort of been Mheetu main care giver, so is very attached.

"Here he comes"Zumi says looking out of the tree. Mheetu climbs up. Dot greets him happily.

"Report?" I ask.

"I found the pride, well our supporters. They are in the alcove" he states. "But I didn't see my sister"he says sadly.

"I'm sure she's fine Mheetu" Dot assures him.

"I saw a lioness leave about a week ago, it must of been her" Zumi adds.

"Once we over throw Scar, we'll look for her" Nikki assures him.

"Anything else?" I ask him.

"There seem to be less hyenas then when I was here last" he states.

"That's something" Nikki states with a smile.

"Also I couldn't find Scar's lionesses or their cubs" he adds.

"Strange, he must have them hidden somewhere" Zumi states.

"We'll deal with them tomorrow. Tonight we get rid of Scar and his hyenas" I tell them. They cheer. "Remember, fight as a unit. Watch each others backs and we can't fail" I tell them.

(Ridge) Third Persons POV

Simba looks around sadly at his once beautiful home. That has become a desolate ruin, with skeletons lying everywhere. He hears someone calls his name and turns to see Nala. She comes to stand by his side. "It's awful, isn't it?" she asks him.

"I didn't want to believe you" he admits.

"What made you come back?" she asks him curious.

"I finally got some sense knocked into me, and I've got the bump to prove it" he tells her. "Besides, this is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will?" he asks her.

"I will" she says proudly.

"It's gonna be dangerous" he tells her.

"Danger? Ha! I laugh in the face of danger. Ha, ha, ha, ha!" she laughs coyly.

"I see nothing funny about this" Timon states. As he and Pumba join the pair.

"Timon! Pumbaa! What are you doing here?" Simba asks the pair.

"At your service, my liege" Puma says bowing.

"Awww. We're gonna fight your uncle...for this?" Timon gesturing to the once proud pride lands.

"Yes, Timon. This is my home" Simba tells him.

"Well, Simba, if it's important to you, we're with you to the end" Timon tells him.

"I doubt we'll be alone" Nala states.

"What do you mean?" Simba asks her.

"Before I came to follow me, Rafiki told me amazing news" Nala tells him with a smile. "Apollo and Nikki live, they were planning to attack soon" she states. He smiles and looks at the pride lands.

"Well with them on our side, we may just win this thing" Simba states. "Lets go" he says and they start to creep towards pride rock silently. Zumi spots them and alerts Apollo.

Simba's Brother Apollo: Lion KingWhere stories live. Discover now