Arriving at Elephant Graveyard

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Apollo's POV

Nikki nips at my tail and I groan in annoyance. "Stop that" I tell her annoyed as Simba and Nala walk ahead of us.

"Only if you tell me where we're really going" she states.

"How did you know?" I ask her.

"Please, you hate the water" she states.

"Well Uncle Scar just told Simba and I about this place" I tell her. "The most incredible, amazing" I start to say. She shoves me lightly.

"Just tell me where" she states.

"An elephant graveyard" I tell her.

"I think mum and I passed one on our way here. But I don't really remember it, we didn't stay long" she tells me. "How far is it?" she asks me curious.

"Keep up you two!" Zazu calls from above us. I roll my eyes.

"Not far" I assure her. "Just to the shadows. But don't worry. Everyone's been there" I state. As we climb rocks following the other two.

"We've never been that far before. What if we get lost?" she asks me.

"Relax, Nikki. Simba and I patrolled the entire kingdom this morning with our dad. There's nothing to worry about" I assure her as we join the other two over looking the watering hole.

"Well, there is one thing" she says looking up at Zazu.

"How are we gonna ditch the dodo?" Nala asks us.

"Oh, I know how we can..." Simba states lowly.

"Relax Simba, I got an idea" I assure him.

"So do I, follow me to freedom" he tells us. Heading for the watering hole. Zazu lands on a tree beside Nala and Simba as they whisper to each other.

"Oh, just look at you two. Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savanna" Zazu declares. "Your parents will be thrilled, what with your being betrothed and all" he states looking at Nala and Simba. Nikki and I laugh at their confused faces.

"Be-what?" Simba asks.

"Betrothed. Intended. Affianced" Zazu states.

"Meaning?" Nala asks confused.

"He means one day you two will be married" I tell them. They still look confused. "To each other" I clarify.

"Yuck!" Simba says.

"Eww!" Nala says.

"Simba and Nala sitting in a tree" Nikki teases. Nala shoves her lightly.

"Uh-uh. That's not gonna happen, Zazu" Simba tells him. As we continue on our way.

"Never, ever" Nala agrees.

"Bet you two zebra legs they will marry inn future" I tell Nikki.

"You're on" she tells me.

"Nala and I are friends. And besides, she's afraid of rhinos" Simba states.

"I'd be more scared of a hippo" Nikki states.

"And he's never eaten an impala" Nala adds.

"He tried it once" I remind her.

"We are never getting married, Zazu" Nala tells him ignoring me.

"A monarch who ignores tradition? With an attitude like that, I'm afraid you'll be a pretty pathetic king" Zazu tells Simba. I glare at him.

"I'm not letting anyone tell me where to go, what to do, and even who to marry. There will never be a king like me" Simba tells him.

"Simba, you can't escape your destiny" Zazu tells him.

"Just watch" Simba dares him. He struts off and starts to sing. As we all follow him.

(Time skip)

We managed to ditch Zazu. Now Simba and I are leading the way to the Elephant grave yard. "I can't believe we really lost him!" Nikki laughs.

"I know what you're thinking. The future king is a genius" Simba says proudly.

"You can't be serious" I tell him.

"You would've never gotten away without your queen" Nala states.

"Aren't you forgetting something? There is no queen" Simba tells her. I share a look with Nikki.

"You could say that again. I'd rather marry an aardvark" Nala states.

"Really?" Nikki asks surprised and Nala nods her head.

"Good luck finding one that will say yes" Simba tells her.  Nala follows him swatting his back side.

"Good luck getting out of here without a bruising" she tells him. Simba falls into a defensive stance. Telling her to give it her best shot. I feel Nikki trying to sneak up on me and she flies over my head.

"Seriously Nikki?" I ask as she gets to her feet. As Simba and Nala wrestle.

"Why can't we wrestle?" she asks me.

"Because I don't want to hurt you. I'm bigger, older and stronger then you" I state.

"You maybe bigger and older. Doesn't mean you're stronger" she challenges.

"Pinned ya! You owe me an apology" Nala says. We look to see Simba wiggle free of her.

"Never" he states.

"Nala" I say with a smile and nod at Simba. "Nikki?" I ask and she smirks. We all stalk towards Simba. We pounce on his back and roll down a small ridge. Where we pin him at the bottom laughing. "Pinned you" I laugh.

Just then a nearby geyser erupts startling us. We look over letting Simba up. The steam clears and we see an elephant skull peaking over a nearby ridge. "This must be it" Nikki states.

"Come on" I tell the other two as we head up the ridge.

"This is it, we made it" Simba says with a broad smile. We jump up on one of the skull's tusks and overlook the Elephant Graveyard. We exchange awed looks.

"Whoa" we all say.

"Apollo, we're way beyond the Pride Lands" Nikki states.

"We found it Nikki, you know what that means?" I ask her.

"We can go home?" she asks.

"Come on, live a little" I tell her.

"It's really creepy" Nala states.

"Yeah, isn't great?" Simba asks her.

"We could get in big trouble" she states.

"I know" he says with a chuckle.

"Besides us being here, means they won't treat us like cubs anymore" I state.

"But we are cubs" Nikki reminds me. We hop off the tusk and approach the skull.

"I wonder if it's brains are still in there?" Nala muses.

"There's only one way to know. Come on. Let's go check it out" Simba tells us leading the way. Suddenly Zazu flits in front of Simba, blocking his path.


Picture above of the four cubs. Video above of original Can't Wait to Be King song.

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