Nala Runs Away

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Nala's POV

"I don't want you to go" mum argues.

"We've been kicked out of the main den and haven't seen Tama in over a month. Look at you the the others. You all are fading away, while Zira and her girls get the lions share. Along with their cubs" I state. "Not mention the two supposedly new cubs you and Sarabi have smelt, but none of us have been allowed to see" I rant.

"It's dangerous out there" she states.

"It's dangerous here, we can't just hope Apollo is alive anymore. Scar has destroyed our home and I am the only one who can go for help" I tell her. "I'll be ok" I assure her.

"Then you must go tonight, while everyone sleeps" she tells me. Sighing in defeat. I rub my head against her. "I'll miss you" she states.

"I'll come back" I assure her. We here Sarabi's roar. They had caught something. We run to get something to eat before the hyenas appeared.

(Time skip)

"Tomorrow, I will have a special announcement" Scar declares. "I expect you all to be present, if so I may rethink the feeding arrangements" he states. Before leaving us in our alcove.

"What announcement?" Diku wonders.

"Maybe we're finally get to see the new cubs we smelled" Dwala suggests.

"We'll find out tomorrow, for lets all rest" Sarabi tells them. We all huddle together for warmth. Later, once I was sure everyone was asleep. I make my move, I would of been spotted by Scar and his hyenas. If not for Zazu, I'll have to thank him when I return. Once out of sigh of Pride Rock. I head south west, feeling a pull to go to the desert.

(Next morning pride rock) Third Persons POV

"I present my heir and your future king, Kovu" Scar declares proudly. As Rafiki holds him up. Zira is holding another cub in her jaws. "Along with his twin Vitani" he adds. "My queen, Zira is raising them" he states. "That is all" he adds and Rafiki hands the cub to Ikhala. Who follows Zira into the den.

"At least he hasn't noticed Nala missing yet" Naanda mutters.

"I'm sure we won't be able to keep it from him long" Diku grumbles.

"How could Scar father those two cubs? They look to strong to be his" Dwala states.

"Shush" Sarafina hushes her. "Don't let him hear you say such things" she snaps.

"They must of been Tama's, but I cannot imagine her being ok with this" Nadira states.

"They probably got rid of her" Dwala states.

"Never the less, they are innocent and we must try to protect them from Scar & Zira's influence" Sarabi states.

"That'll be hard, we haven't been allowed to cub sit since we told the cubs about the circle of life" Sarafina states.

"Yeah Zira and Scar were not happy about that" Diku mutters.

"Lets go on patrol, we cannot afford to attract attention" Sarabi states. They all get up and follow her. Not seeing Beauty-spot watching them.

"Nala is missing" she tells Zira.

"Good riddance" Ikhala states.

"We must ensure the others don't leave" Zira states.

"What? Why?" Lazy-eye asks confused.

"It'll anger Scar and we will be punished. We are supposed to keep the other lionesses in line" Zira reminds them. "Beauty-spot, go remind them of their place. Lazy-eye go increase hyena patrols" she orders. Both leave and Zira goes back to nursing Kovu & Vitani.

(Green lands) Apollo's POV

It is nearly time, just a few more weeks and I'll be ready to challenge Scar. Young Mheetu is now a teenager. He helps on hunts and is getting quiet strong. If he wasn't so loyal to me, I'd be worried about him challenging me in future. Nikki has grown very beautiful, but I can't afford to be distracted.

Zumi and Dot are still around. Both have tried to get my attention. But I have eyes only for Nikki and reclaiming my home. And restoring it. "Hey Apollo" Zumi says as she joins me. "I heard something interesting" she states.

"What did you hear?" I ask her.

"A lioness ran away last night from the Pride lands" she states.

"Hum, I wonder who" I muse. "Run along now" I tell her and she pouts. But does so. I set off for the highest point of our territory. I sit own and look at the white hills. Beyond which I can see my former home. It looks worse then the green lands does. I mean, I know both lands have suffered a prolonged drought, but why does it look like a graveyard? Have they been over hunting too?

"You ok?" Mheetu asks as he joins me.

"I am fine, just thinking about home" I tell him.

"We could go now, we all back you" he tells me.

"Not yet, but we may go sooner rather then later" I state. "I trust I can count on you to have my back?" I ask.

"Always" he states. "Think our mothers and my sister are still ok?" he asks.

"They are all strong lionesses, I'm sure they are fine" I assure him. I look up at the sky. "Looks like the drought will end soon, we strike when it rains" I tell him. "Though we will get in position before then" I add.

"Yes sir, I'll go tell the others" he states and runs off. I hear someone approaching and roll my eyes. I lay down and Nikki flies over my head.

"You never change" I say with a chuckle as I sit up.

"Where's fun the in that?" she asks. "So is it true, are we leaving for the pride lands soon?" she asks as she comes to sit beside me.

"Yes, it is finally time for me to claim my destiny" I tell her. "I trust you'll stand beside me" I say. She smiles and licks my cheek.

"Always" she says nuzzling my thick mane. "Maybe once this is over and you rule the pride lands, we can think about us" she states. I sigh and nudge her lightly.

"In future, not now" I tell her. "Besides we should focus on overthrowing Scar and his supporters" I state. She nods her head in understanding. "Lets go get the others and hunt. We'll need our strength for the fight to come" I tell her. We head back to the den.


Picture above of the pride lands and grass lands now. Along with Apollo's pride.

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