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Apollo's POV

We got back to the pride lands safely and are still making our way to pride rick. Setting sun at our backs as reached a hill. Dad stops and Tyra looks at him. As the rest of us stop. "Zazu, Tyra" dad says. Zazu flies over to him.

"Yes sire" he says.

"Take Nala and Nikki home. I've got to teach my sons a lesson" dad state. Simba ducks low in the grass, with Nala watching in concern. While I hold my head high, showing no fear. Dad would never hurt us. Zazu flies over and leads Nala away following Tyra. After wishing Simba and I luck.

"Apollo, Simba!" dad calls.

"Come on" I say to Simba and I head over to dad. We step into one of dad's paw prints. We skirt around them and head over to dad. We sit either side of him.

"Simba, I'm very disappointed in you" dad states.

"It wasn't his fault dad, it was mine" I lie.

"Don't lie for your brother" dad snaps. "I know this was his idea" he states.

"Dad, I'm sorry" Simba tells him.

"You could've been killed. You both deliberately disobeyed me. And what's worse, you put Nala, Nikki and your little brother in danger!" dad snaps at him.

"I was just trying to be brave like you" Simba tells him.

"We both were" I add.

"I'm only brave when I have to be. Simba, Apollo being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble" dad tells us in a calmer tone.

"So you're only brave when there is no other choice?" I ask tilting my head confused. He nods his head.

"But you're not scared of anything" Simba states.

"I was today" dad admits as he looks at the horizon. It's dark now. The stars are out.

"You were?" we ask him shocked.

"Yes, I thought I might lose you both" dad states looking down at us.

"You'll never lose us dad" I tell him snuggling into his leg.

"Oh. I guess even kings get scared, huh?" Simba asks. Dad nods his head.

"Though I think those hyenas were even scareder" I add and Simba nods his head in agreement. Dad chuckles.

"'Cause nobody messes with your dad" he tells us. "Come here" he says nudging us both. We roll onto our sides. We share a look.

"Get him" I say and pounce at dad. He runs halfheartedly away. We chase him.

"On three" Simba tells me and I nod my head.

"One" I say.

"Two" he says as we get in pouncing range.

"Three" we say and lap at dad. Dad lays down and Simba tugs his ear as we la on his mane. "Dad" we say and he hums. "We're pals right?" we asks.

"Right" he says with a chuckle.

"And we'll always be together, right?" Simba asks him.

"Simba, Apollo" dad says raising his head. "Let me tell you both something that my father told me. Look at the stars" he tells us. We do so with him. "The Great Kings of the Past look down on us from those stars" he explains.

"Really?" we ask him.

"Yes. So, whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be up there to guide you and so will I" dad tells us.

"I can't see them dad" Simba states. I look at him confused. How can I see them and he can't?

"Keep looking, son. Keep looking" dad tells him. Is the reason I can see them, is because I need guidance? I look up and one king stands out. I've never meet him, but something inside me tells me he is my grandfather. Dad's dad.

"Why?" I ask.

"You must be guided down the right path" he states.

"Something wrong son?" dad asks me. The kings disappear.

"Nothing, just thought I saw something" I mutter.

"Really?" Simba asks me.

"They will guide you Apollo, but can only offer advice. You must choose your own path" dad tells me. I nod my head.

"It's late" I state.

"You're right" dad says and we get off of him. Simba yawns. "Come on you two, no doubt your mum is waiting for us" he tells us. We nod our heads and he leads us home.

"Mum!" I cheer and rush over with Simba. She was waiting for us at the dens interesting.

"You boys had me so worried" she states as she nudges us both fondly. "Don't ever do that again" she tells us.

"We won't" I assure her.

"You both will need baths" she states and Simba groans. "Not now, it's time for bed" she assures him. "It's been a long day" she states picking up Simba. Carrying him inside and I look up at the stars.

"What did you see son?" dad asks me.

"Your dad, he said I must be guided down the right path" I tell him. "Do you know what that means?" I ask him. He hums looking up at the stars.

"I'm sure in time the meaning will become clear, for now it is late" he tells me. He picks me up taking me inside. Heading over to mum, who has a sleeping Simba snuggled up against her. Dad lays me beside Simba as he circles us with mum. I lay my head on Simba's back getting comfortable. I drift off to sleep quickly. Into a dreamless sleep.


Picture above of Apollo's paw in Mufasa's paw print.

Simba's Brother Apollo: Lion KingWhere stories live. Discover now