Adopting Mheetu

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(Dry season) Third Persons POV

So the dry season is in full swing now. The river is drying up in the green lands. The green vegetation is starting to die due to lack of water. The only things still green, are the plants by the river. The water hole in the pride lands is also starting to dry, but there is no danger of dehydration there. Only starvation as most of the large herds have migrated north.

Anyway Zira had set her plans in motion with Mheetu. While Nala was on her first solo hunt. Her girls had chased little Mheetu to the gorge and he fell over the cliff. Believing he was dead, they left to return to their daughters. Who Zira had been minding with a pregnant Tama. Who is due in around a month.

Aang found Mheetu unconscious in the gorge. He took him to Rafiki, who wrapped his injured paw. Before he set out for the green lands at a steady run. When he arrived he head to the drying river and laid Mheetu down. He roared to get Nikki's attention. As she had come down for a morning drink.

Aang hides as he watches Nikki approach Mheetu. She sniffs him and recognizes Nala's scent. She looks around confused. "Nala!" she calls, but no answer. She picks Mheetu up and heads back to the den with him. She couldn't leave him out here all alone.

Apollo's POV

I had returned from patrol and smell a foreign scent and growl. I enter the de. To see the girls gathered around a young male cub. "What is this cub doing here?" I demand.

"I found him by the dry river bed, poor thing was hurt and all alone" Nikki states. As Dot nuzzles the cub affectionately.

"Well take him back" I tell her.

"What?!" the girls exclaim.

"It's the dry season, we can barely fed ourselves. Let alone a growing cub" I state.

"But he smells like Nala, so he must her little brother" Nikki states. I frown and lower my head smelling him. She is right. But I also smell our mothers on him.

"He'd be better off in the pride lands" I state.

"No he wouldn't be" she snaps. "Mum took us away to protect you from Scar and his followers. Nala's mum must of sent this cub here for protection aslo" Nikki states. "We can't abandon him, your father wouldn't" she state and I grumble. She had to bring my father into this. I look up at the sky outside.

"Fine he can stay, but you three are in charge of him" I tell them.

"We'll take good are of him" Zumi assures me.

"We'll train him well" Dot adds.

"He'll make it" Nikki states and I roll my eyes leaving them to it. I decide to go hunt. We'd all need our strength if we are going to raise this cub.

"See, he is already starting to care" Ahadi says.

"He is" Mufasa agrees.

(Time skip)

I'm outside observing the rising sun. It's been about a week since we adopt young Mheetu into the pride. Turns out Nikki was right, he is Nala's little brother. His paw has healed up fine. Though if he over dos it, he will limp. I hear the sound of small paws heading my way and sigh.

"Morning Mheetu" I say.

"Morning sir" he says quietly as he walks past a sleeping Dot. "Can I come with you on patrol?" he asks me.

"No" I tell him.

"But I always went on patrol with mum and Nala" he states.

"That was different" I tell him. "This is a new territory for you and there are new rules. You are to stay with the lionesses" I state. "Am I clear?" I ask.

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