We Are One

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Yue's POV

So Rico decided this morning he could no longer stay coped up at pride rock. So I am taking him and Noah to the water hole. Rico riding my back. "Princess!" Ray shouts running over. "You three shouldn't be out alone" he states.

"We're just going to the water hole, we'll be perfectly safe" I assure him.

"In any case, I'll join you" he states.

"Suit yourself" I tell him.

"Something wrong?" he asks me as we continue on.

"No, why would you think that?" I ask him. "Keep up Noah!" I call and he runs to catch up to us.

"Well you just left the girls and I yesterday. Then never returned, you didn't even wish us a good night" he states.

"I had other things on my mind" I state.

"You can tell me, we are friends" he states.

"That's the problem!" I snap. Then take a deep calming breath. "Never mind, you wouldn't understand" I mutter as we reach the water hole. I let Rico off my back and Noah helps him walk to the waters edge. Where they splash in the shallows. I lay down and watch them. I feel Ray lay beside me and groan.

"Yue, I know you are future queen. But I'll always be here to support you" he tells me.

"Yeah, as a friend" I grumble.

"What's wrong with that?" he asks me confused.

"Nothing" I say resting my head on my paws. He nudges me and I look up at him.

"How about we do something fun tonight?" he suggests.

"Like what?" I ask him. "Besides don't you have patrol or something?" I ask.

"I have the night off and how about star gazing?" he suggests. "We haven't done that since we were teens" he states. I smile raising my head.

"I'd like hat" I tell him. He smiles and nuzzles my cheek. I close my eyes sighing in content.

Ray's POV

As I nuzzle Yue, I notice our reflections in the water. They are connected as one. I smile and chaff happily. Yue smiles as she opens her eyes and pulls away not noticing our reflections.

Yue's POV

"Yue!" Noah calls ruining mine and Ray's moment. I sigh and get up heading over to my brothers. "Is it true we are one?" he asks.

"Of course and not just us, but both prides. And the both territories" I state.

"Really?" Rico and Noah asks. I nod my head with a soft smile. I remember a song used to sing to me about us being one. I decide to sing it as I look up a mother bird feeding her babies in their nest. I nod to them and my brothers look at them.

"As you go through life, you'll see there is so much that we don't understand" I sing. As one of  the birds try to fly. It succeeds and tries to fly away. "And the only thing we know, is things don't always go the way we planned" I sing as the mother bird herded the chick back to the nest. I pick up my brothers placing them on a smile Ray's mane. We set off through the pride lands, exploring as I continue to sing.

"But you'll see every day, that we'll never turn away when it seems all your dreams come undone" I sing as we we a Zebra foal stand with it's mother's help. It starts to run on its own, kicking its legs joyfully. "We will stand by your side, filled with hope and filled with pride" I sing to my brothers.

The mother zebra runs alongside her foal and steers it back toward the herd. As I smile up at my smiling brothers. "We are more than we are. We are one" I sing and take off at a trot. Ray follows me with my brothers on his back still.

"Family. Family. We are one" Ray sings and I smile. I didn't know he could sing. We start to head back as I see a baby hippo playing with it's parents. "Family. Family. We are one" Ray repeats.

"If there's so much we must be, can we still just be us, the way we are?"  Rico asks.

"Can we trust in our own hearts? Or am we just two parts of some big plan?" Noah asks. As a flock of birds flies past us. As the sky begins to darken with the setting sun.

"Even those who are gone are with us as we go on" I sing as I look at the first start. Thinking of the great kings and queens of the past. "Both your journeys have only begun" I sing to my brothers. "Tears of pain, tears of joy. One thing, nothing can destroy is our pride, deep inside. We are one!" I sing as I begin to lead the way back to pride rock.

"Family. Family. We are one" Ray sings. As he lets my brothers walk. Noah helping Rico, making sure he doesn't place to much pressure on his wounded paw.

"We are one, you and I" I tell my brothers smiling. As I walk through a puddle and they follow with Ray close behind. " We are like the earth and sky. One family under the sun" I sing.

"All the wisdom to lead, all the courage that you need" Ray sings looking at me. I smile as we reach the base of pride rock.

"You will find when you see, we are one" I sing to my brothers as I look up. To see both prides heading in to call is a night. I look at my brothers. "As long as we live, you'll never be alone my brothers. We are one, you'll understand some day" I assure them. They nod their heads yawning.

I pick up Noah and Ray grabs Rico. We took them into the den. Before leaving to go star gaze.


Video above of Yue voice singing. (I don't own the video). Picture above of Yue and Ray's reflection in the water.

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