Simba's Judgement

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Yue's POV

I wake to Ray lifting his head. "A little longer" I grumble and he chuckles.

"It's time to get up Yue, we can't waste the day away" he tells me.

"Ok" I say and stretch. I follow him out of the den. We go join our friends in the morning sun to warm ourselves. Kiara had been telling the others how her dad had taken Kovu on a walk to talk.

"I heard our dad's talking about that" Ray states. "Today Simba passes judgement on Kovu" he tells us.

"That's great" Zuri says.

"Right?" Tiifu asks.

"It all depends on how the talk goes" Luma states.

"Kovu will either be welcomed into your pride or be banished" Nami states.

"I'm sure he'll be accepted, Uncle Simba did let him sleep in the den last night" I tell them.

"Really?" Kiara asks and I nod my head. She smiles.

"Ray!" Mheetu calls.

"Yeah dad?" he asks.

"Patrol, now" he says. Ray sighs and nuzzles me. Before getting up and following his father. I watch him leave and sigh happily as I lean on Kiara.

"You are so smitten" she giggles.

"So are you with Kovu" I shot back and she just smiles.

"Looks like we have future kings" Zuri teases. Kiara and I roll our eyes. Suddenly two small bodies jump on me.

"Yue!" my brothers cheer.

"Good morning my brothers" I say as mum joins us with Aunt Nala. "Morning mum, Aunt Nala" I say. They wish us a good morning.

"So, how did it go last night?" mum asks me.

"Rafiki took us to Upendi with Kiara and Kovu" I whisper. She smiles and nuzzles me.

"I'm so happy for you all" she states. "But I'm not ready for grand cubs yet" she adds.

"Mum!" I whine flattening my ears. She just giggles.

"Yue, your mother and I have been talking. We thought it'd be good to have a few lionesses from both pride hunt together tomorrow" Aunt Nala states. "To strengthen the bond between both prides" she adds.

"Sounds good" I say.

"You'll be leading the hunt" Kiara tells me.

"What?" I ask surprised.

"You've had a successful solo hunt and are older" she reminds me.

"Ok, well we'll split into two groups. You take one and lay in wait to ambush the herd. While the other group and I drive them towards you" I tell her.

"Pincer movement, nice choice" mum praises me.

"But what to hunt?" Tiifu asks.

"It'll have to be something big enough to feed both prides" Luma states.

"There's a herd of buffalo at the meadow" Nami states.

"We need to choose the hunting party" Kiara states.

"Well Nami obviously, she knows where the herd is" I state.

"Tiifu will blend in well with the grass" Kiara states.

"Can we come watch?" Rico asks.

"Don't know, can you e quiet?" I ask him. "Hunting requires stealth" I state.

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