Battle of the Three Prides

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Yue's POV

It's started to rain, we're all in the den to avoid the rain. I haven't seen Kiara since Kovu was chased away. So far no sign of Zira and her outsiders. Ray just returned from patrol shaking water from his mane.

"Anything?" mum asks him.

"Nothing, though I saw Zazu returning. Maybe he saw something" he states.

"Ray, I must ask you something important" dad tells him.

"Anything" Ray tells him.

"If we are to go into battle, I want you to lead the pride" dad states. We all look at him surprised. "I can't leave Nikki and our cubs" he adds.

"I got your back" Mheetu tells him.

"So do I" Zumi adds.

"The rest of us will go with Ray and Uncle Simba's pride" I state.

"I won't let you down my king" Ray tells him. "If it looks like the fight isn't going well, I'll send Yue back to warn you" he adds.

"I am not leaving your side" I snap. "We're in this together" I state. "Besides Luma is the fastest runner" I add.

"I will gladly be the messenger if the fight isn't going well" she states.

"There, it's decided" I state. "Besides, two prides against one. We should win" I add.

"We have not had to fight to survive" Luma states.

"She's right, the outsiders won't be defeated easily and there will be injuries" Nami states.

"We'll survive" Ray states as Zazu appears.

"Zira and outsiders are heading this way, it's war!" he cries. I nuzzle my parents. I assuring them I'd return before leaving the others. We gather with Uncle Simba's pride.

"Move out" he says and leads the way through the rain. I notice Timon and Pumba also following. As the herds flee the scene. We soon reach the plains and stop at one end. The outsiders on the other while Simba paces in front of us. Zira climbs a tall rock as her outsiders growl. We snarl back.

"It's over, Simba! I have dreamed of nothing else for years!" Zira declares. As I spot vultures circling over head.

"Last chance Zira, go hom" Uncle Simba tells her firmly.

"I am home" she growls. "Attack!" she roars. The Outsiders rear onto their hind legs roaring. Before starting towards us. Ray and Simba roar as we advance too. We're all growling as we begin to trot towards each other. Soon we're running teeth bared in a vicious snarl. We meet in the middle of the battlefield and begin to fight.

I lose track of Ray and my friends. As I tackle two lionesses at one. Snapping at them. The snap and claw at me. I roar in pain as one catches my shoulder. I sweep my claws at her and she backs off. She circles me with the other one. I snarl my ears flat against my head.

"You're out of your league princess" one sneers.

"We'll see about that" I growl getting ready to lunge at her. The both chuckle and I strike tackling her to the ground. I bite her scruff, but I am soon dislodged by her friend.

"Sister, are you ok?" the lioness asks concerned.

"I'm fine" the other assures her.

"You're sisters" I state relaxing. I look around and frown. Why are we fighting? This is wrong. I back away from the two sisters. "No more, I will not kill an others family" I snap and they look surprised. "I'd hate if anything happened to my baby brothers" I state.

"You have baby brothers?" the first asks and I nod my head. She shares a look with her sister, before looking around. "She's right, this is wrong" she states. Suddenly everyone stops fighting as Zira and my uncle begin to circle each other. We join the circle around them, this would decide the end of this war.

Zira stalks in a slow circle around uncle Simba and he makes sure not to turn his back on her. He growls as she pants. They go to attack as there is a clap of thunder. Suddenly Kiara and Kovu are in between them. Each facing their respective parent. Uncle Simba looks taken aback, while Zira looks furious.

Both tell Kiara and Kovu to move. But they refuse to move. "You'll never hurt Kiara...or Simba.  Not while I'm here" Kovu growls at Zira threateningly.

"Stay out of this" Uncle Simba begs Kiara.

"A wise king once told me, "We are one"" Kiara tells him. "I didn't understand him then" she admits. "But now I do" she states.

"But they..." he starts to say.

"Them? Us? Look at them, they are us. What differences do you see?" Kiara asks him. The Outsiders look at one another uncertainly. Vitani continues to glare at Simba's pride but, after a moment, lifts her head and widens her eyes.

Kiara and  Uncle Simba exchange meaningful glances. Kiara smiles. Overhead, the clouds clear, and the sun shines down on the two prides. Simba looks up at the light. He smiles and embraces Kiara. "Vitani, now" Zira orders.

"NO mother!" Vitani denies. She looks at Kiara, who smiles at her over one shoulder. Vitani looks back at Zira. "Kiara's right" she states. She crosses the battlefield and stand by Kovu. "Enough" she says to the other outsiders.

The Outsiders exchange wondrous glances. "If you will not fight, then you will die as well" Zira growls. The Outsiders scowl at one another, muttering in disgust by what Zira had said. The Outsiders walk toward us. "What are– Where are you going?" she demands. "Get back here!" she orders as they join our prides.

"Let it go, Zira. It's time to put the past behind us" Simba tells her.

"I'll never let it go!" she snarls. "This is for you, Scar!" she says. She roars and lunges at uncle Simba. Only to be tackled by two others. Kiara and Ray. All three go over the edge of the gorge.

"No!" I shout and dash forward. I jump down after them. I see Kiara and Zira, but can't see Ray anywhere. "Ray!" I call.

"Yue!" he tells and I see him clinging to the side farther away from the other two.

"Hold on!" I shout as Simba appears. "You get Kiara, I have Ray" I tell him and set off towards Ray. I will not lose him. A rock falls and his back foot looses it's footing. He slides down. "Hold on!" I shout and he digs his claws in deeper.

"Yue, Simba, the river!" Aunt Nala shouts from above. I look down at the river, and see the damn had broken. I curse and pick up speed. I reach a ledge above Ray and crouch down.

"Ray, give me your paw" I say.

"No, then you'll fall" he states.

"I will not leave you!" I snap. "Now give me your paw, that's an order" I snarl as I stretch out more. He reluctantly does so. I start to pull back as he climbs slowly. When he was in reach I grab his mane and pull him onto the ledge. I then look back at the top of the cliff and frown. "How are we supposed to get back up that?" I ask confused.

"Together" he says and I smile. We start our climb. We reach the top before Kiara and Uncle Simba. I turn back to help them over the edge. Aunt Nala greets them both happily, relieved that they are ok. Kiara then goes to greet Kovu as I nuzzle Ray.

"Kovu" Uncle Simba says. Kovu breaks his embrace with Kiara and walks toward him. "I was wrong. You belong here" he states. Kiara nudges Kovu affectionately. "Lets go home, all of us" he says smiling at the outsiders. We set off for pride rock, all three prides together. As one.


Picture above of the outsiders leaving Zira.

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