Nikki's Story

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(Three months ago) Third Persons POV

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(Three months ago) Third Persons POV

Tyra is a rogue lioness, she has wondered the out lands alone since she reached sexual maturity. A couple of months again she ran into a rogue lion. They had a fling. Before he left, leaving her pregnant with Nikki. She was going to raise her daughter on her own.

But was struggling getting enough food to fed herself and produce milk for Nikki. So decides to join a pride. At least until her daughter is whined onto meat. Then they both would leave to continue their wandering.

She picked up the scent of a pride and headed west. Following the setting sun. Keeping the raising sun to her and her daughter's back. One day when she reached Mufasa's territory, she stopped to rest and nurse her cub. As well as give them both a chance to rest.

The next morning she was grooming her cub when she was found by Dwala and Naanda. They brought her and Nikki to pride rock. For an audience with Mufasa. "What brings you here?" he asks as Nikki lays in her mothers front paws looking around curiously.

"We humbly ask to join your pride" Tyra states with her head bowed.

"Why should we accept a rogue?" Zira sneers.

"Hush" Dwala tells her.

"Where is your pride?" Mufasa asks Tyra.

"On the other side of the out lands" Tyra states. "It was to far a journey for my cub to survive" she states. "I've barely gotten enough food for us both and my milk is pretty much dried up" she says sadly. Nikki meows in hunger. "I'm sorry little one" she says nuzzling her cub.

"Sire" Zazu says appearing. "Sarabi has heard the cries of the young cub and wishes to meet it" he states. Mufasa nods reluctantly.

"Follow me" he tells Tyra and leads her into the den as she carries Nikki. She felt relief when she sees two nursing lioness. Maybe they'd feed Nikki until she could hunt.

"Poor thing looks starved" Sarafina states. "Please lay her beside my daughter" she says. Tyra looks at Mufasa who nods his approval. Tyra does so and Nikki finds a teat. She starts to suckle happily.

"Thank you" Tyra says grateful.

"We lioness have to stick together" Sarafina tells her with a smile.

"You and your daughter are welcome here as long as you wish to stay" Sarabi tells her.

"I agree with my queen" Mufasa says as he lays beside Sarabi.

"Thank you" Tyra says bowing her head. "I promise to one day repay you both for your kindness" she states.

"We're going on a hunt today, you care to join?" Diku asks Tyra.

"I'd love too" she states. Just then Nikki had made her way over to Sarabi. She pushes little Apollo off of his mother's teat taking his place. As he meows in protest. "I'm sorry" Tyra says sheepishly.

"It's fine, your cub is obviously very hungry" Sarabi assures her.

"How long will you stay?" Sarafina asks.

"Until Nikki is weaned, but maybe longer. Depends how my daughter feels then" Tyra states. If her daughter wished to remain with the pride, they would stay. If she wished to travel, they'd leave.

"Well you are welcome always" Mufasa tells her. As Nikki starts to fight with Apollo. Tyra picks up Nikki as Mufasa grabbed Apollo. She soon left to help with the hunt trusting Sarabi and Sarafina with Nikki. While Mufasa went on patrol.

A month later Nikki had her first taste of meat. Give it another three months and she'd be weaned on to it. She seems to love annoying Apollo, always trying to pin him. Like Nala does Simba. Tyra thinks her daughter has a crush. Though she'd never admit it. Tyra knows Apollo whines about Nikki picking on him and always following him around. But believes he'd miss her if they left.

"You know, you could stay" Sarabi tells her as they lay by the watering hole. While the cubs play in the shallows.

"It's up to Nikki, I'll do what ever will make her happy" Tyra tells her. "Besides even if we left, we may come back in future" she adds.

"I think Apollo would like that" Sarabi tells her.

"I still have yet to repay you and Mufasa for allowing us to stay. For nursing Nikki when I could not" Tyra states.

"We ask for nothing" Sarabi tells her.

"I know" Tyra states. "By the way, I've noticed a strange dark maned lion around. Who is he?" she asks curious.

"That would be Scar, Mufasa's brother. He lives with the pride, but hardly interacts with any of us. Save Zira and her friends" Sarabi explains. As she looks at Apollo.

"You fear he will become like Scar" Tyra observes.

"I pray he doesn't, I think if he had someone like Nikki around. He'd be fine" Sarabi states.

"Don't worry, I'll let you know once a decision is made" Tyra assures her. "For now lets enjoy the peace" she states. Sarabi agrees and they go back to watching their cubs play. As Nala appeared with her mother and joined the fray. Not knowing what the future held for Nikki, Apollo, Tyra or the Pride Lands.


Picture above of Nikki now and pictures in chapter of two month old Nikki along with Tyra.

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