Chapter Twenty-Eight

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                               *Lauren's POV*

I looked around at the circle of girls sitting on my floor. We were all here. Mia, Allie, Sarah, Delanee, Madie, and Courtney. I smiled at them. "So girls, you probably don't know why we are having an emergency meeting," I said. There were head shakes all around. I cleared my throat. "About two weeks ago, Joey broke up with me. At the time, I didn't know why. He hasn't been seen with anyone, until now." All the girls' eyes widened. "Mia and I were at the mall today, and we saw him. With his new girlfriend. Emma Tiller." All the girls gasped and reached forward to pat me in reassurance. I gave them a small smile, and continued. "We have to do something about this. We have to do something to Emma to deter her from seeing Joey anymore. Any ideas?" I looked around at them. Sarah spoke up. "Emma's supposed to be tough. Mental persuasion won't work. So, physical." I smiled at her. "Perfect! We just have to hurt her enough that she won't want to do anything," I said. Delanee said, "We should do it after school ends. That way no one at school will get involved." I nodded. Our plan was final. 

                    *Joey's POV*

I was sitting at the lunch table, joking around with my friends. I hadn't spent a lot of time with them lately, so it was nice to catch up. Mike was talking about his swim meet, and we all laughed as he described a particularly gruesome belly flop. I looked over and found Liz's eyes. She nodded at me, and we both stood up onto our seats. I let out a wolf whistle. The cafeteria went quiet pretty quickly, so I began my part of our announcement. "Hey everyone! The end of school is coming up! So Liz and I have an announcement to make!" Liz cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted, "We are having a party! The day that school ends! It starts at 7:00 PM, and goes until, hell, no one knows!" Everyone laughed at that. I drew breath and shouted, "And all seniors are invited! ALL seniors!" Everyone cheered, and Liz and I sat back down. We had a lot of work to do in three days. 

A/N: Sorry this is so short! Anyhoo, oh no! Lauren, stop! Pic of Lauren to the right>>>>>>>>>> 

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