Chapter Thirty-Nine

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                           *Emma's POV*

It happened again. And again. I wanted to stop, but I couldn't. For two weeks, I had ignored everyone. Jeannine, Joey, Bekah, Sammy, and even Nick had tried to contact me. I deleted their texts and calls. I didn't want to talk to anyone. My cutting got worse, too. The scars slowly crept up my arms. I knew I was depressed. More than once I had thought of killing myself. The only thing I wanted was to see my mom again. I laid in bed, sometimes going for three days without eating. I didn't do anything, just laid there, numb. I wanted to disappear.

                          *Lauren's POV*

I sat with my friends at Starbucks, sipping on a caramel frappacino. "Well, ladies, that bitch Emma got was she deserved. She now has no mother, and so, our work is done, and we didn't even do anything!" I sipped my drink, feeling self satisfied. 

                       *Joey's POV*

I missed Emma immensley. I was really worried. Her mom had died, and I didn't know where she was. I had called her a million times. Today, I was meeting up with Nick and Jeannine to talk about it. We didn't want to invade her privacy, but it was getting to the point where we were desperate. 

At 2:00, I arrived at Lou's Pizza Place. I ordered a soda, and waited for Nick and Jeannine. When they did, they ordered drinks too, and sat down. Jeannine gave me a worried smile. "We really need to go to her house. This has gone too far." Just at that moment, all three of our phones buzzed at the same time. We all opened the message. It was from Emma. I looked at it, and dropped my phone on the table. Jeannine started whimpering. Nick's eyes were wide open, staring at the phone. The text read one word. Goodbye.

A/N: Sorry, I know this one is short, but it had to be, cuz the next chapter is long! Until next time!

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