04 - Big Sister

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The first day of work was better than I had expected it. Aside from the fact I walked around the company with a stained shirt, everything else was pretty chill. I did feel out of place whenever George would leave me to attend to other issues because I did not have any assigned work to do, and my boss was not around.

Nonetheless, I made sure to note important places in the company. The best place in the whole company was the game room, and I was determined to spend my free days there, as long as I was not assigned any form of work.

Lazily lounging on my bed, I'd gone through the company phone George had given me earlier because my phone was just not the right standard for the company. I rolled my eyes as I remembered how much he laughed at it.

It was an iPhone 12 in the colour black. I was going to get a phone case and tempered glass for it later because I did not want to accidentally damage the new phone. It was still hard using the new phone, but I'd gotten the hang of the basics.

Rolling over on the bed, I spread out like a five-point star as I counted the stars that were above me on the ceiling. While counting them, I began to fall into a memory where my mother would hug me till I fell asleep, singing twinkle, twinkle, little star.

The shape of a star was my favourite thing to draw while growing up till I ended up falling in love with stargazing. People thought it was boring, laying down to look up at the sky whenever the stars made an appearance. I was even mocked by him, but he did it anyway. He would lay under the sky with me, listening to the rhythm of each other's breath.

I was brought back to reality when my phone started ringing. Without turning, I rubbed my hand on the bed in search of my phone. Once I got hold of it, I brought it to my face to see who the caller was.

Pressing the green button on the screen, I put the call on speaker because I did not have the energy to hold onto the phone. "Hey Em,"

"How was your first day at work, babe?"

That was all I needed to start talking about. I told her all about it from being late to work but I was lucky because the boss was not around and I was just given a tour of the company. I also told her about how I'd embarrassed myself in front of George and the nasty secretary I would have to work with throughout my time there. Not necessarily to work hand in hand, but she was going to be in my sight every morning as I passed to my office.

"I can't wait till you meet the boss, he's young, yeah?" Her voice hinted at the dirty things she was thinking of.

I chuckled. "That's what I heard," I informed her, suddenly remembering that I'd have to get to work as early as possible to be on the good side of the grumpy CEO. "I also heard he's a grumpy man."

"Even better," she squeaked, and I shook my head in disbelief. "Just imagine," another shuffling sound in the background, and I could tell she was about to draft an imaginary romance scene that would include me and the boss. "Both of you meet, and he falls in love with your captivating aura but tries to deny it. But because he sees you almost every day, he can't get you out of his mind and proposes sex to get you out of his system. You, my dear friend, are hot and bothered because you can't stand the tension between both of you and finally give in. All night long, you're both trying to get each other out of your system."

That right there is my best friend, Emily. She is a hopeless romantic just like me, but a little bit extra as she likes the physical aspect, too. "Em," I couldn't help but laugh at how delusional she was at the moment. "Are you forgetting that I'm supposed to be the virgin-till-I-die princess?"

In contrast to the name Emily had given me, I was not a virgin. I was quite experienced in the sex department, but I only needed commitment for it. Emily, on the other hand, was okay with doing it with whoever caught her interest at that time. She says she needs to have sex to see if they'll be a good match.

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