55 - Nasty Ending

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Mirabelle Morrison

As we indulged in the evening's conversations and dessert, the velvety chocolate mousse melted in our mouths, a delicate dance of flavours like Nikos has said. Terrence's nervousness, which had momentarily taken a backseat, seemed to resurface, evident in the way he fidgeted with his spoon. His gaze shifted from the dessert to his surroundings, his uncertainty palpable.

I felt a twinge of frustration bubbling within me, a reaction to his fluctuating mood. I wanted everything to be perfect, just like the picturesque Greek setting around us. Yet, as I looked at him, I remembered the patience he had shown on days I had struggled to convey my thoughts clearly.

I reached across the table, my fingers brushing against his hand. His eyes met mine, and I offered a small, understanding smile. "It's alright, Terr baby," I said softly. The endearment slipped out naturally, and his tense shoulders seemed to relax at my words, his gaze also softening.

I felt a twinge of frustration bubbling within me, a reaction to his fluctuating mood. I wanted everything to be perfect, just like the picturesque Greek setting around us. Yet, as I looked at him, I remembered the patience he had shown on days I had struggled to convey my thoughts clearly.

I reached across the table, my fingers brushing against his hand. His eyes met mine, and I offered a small, understanding smile. "It's alright, Terr baby," I said softly. The endearment slipped out naturally, and his tense shoulders seemed to relax at my words, his gaze also softening.

"Can we go out to see the waters? The waves look mesmerizing tonight." I proposed, breaking the momentary tension. Terrence's eyes lit up with a mix of surprise and excitement. He nodded, his lips curling into a genuine smile.

As we left the opulent ambience of the restaurant, a refreshing sea breeze greeted us, carrying with it the scent of saltwater. Walking hand in hand, we strolled towards the water's edge, where the moon cast a shimmering pathway across the gentle waves. The rhythmic sound of the ocean provided a soothing backdrop to our steps, and the horizon seemed to stretch out endlessly before us.

Terrence's fingers interlocked with mine, his touch grounding me in the present moment. We stood there, side by side, watching as the waves rolled in and out, creating a mesmerizing dance. It was as though the waters held a reflection of our relationship - sometimes calm and serene, other times turbulent yet beautiful.

"I'm going to be so lazy once we get back to work," I chuckled, breaking the quietude. The thought of returning to the bustling world of business after such a tranquil evening seemed almost comical.

"Lazy, huh? I'll believe it when I see it," he teased, a hint of warmth in his voice.

"I can be lazy if I want," I replied playfully, looking at him with a mock-serious expression. "But my boss wouldn't let me breathe."

Terrence laughed, a genuine sound that mingled with the sounds of the waves. "Well, you were the best personal assistant I ever had," he admitted, his eyes locking with mine in a shared moment of nostalgia.

"I was the only personal assistant you ever had," I quipped, a mischievous smile playing on my lips.

The memory of those few weeks when I had been roped into being his personal assistant brought back a mix of exasperation and amusement. Terrence had been so grumpy back then, and my attempts to keep up with his demanding schedule had often been met with raised eyebrows and sarcastic remarks.

His laughter was tinged with a touch of embarrassment. "Yeah, well, I might have been a bit difficult."

I nudged him playfully. "A bit? That's an understatement."

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