67 - Invitation

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Mirabelle Morrison

What does an unemployed, heartbroken woman do on a Thursday evening?

An unemployed, heartbroken woman on a Thursday evening is a riddle I never thought I'd have to solve.

That had become my existential question, a puzzle without a clear answer. Since the day I walked away from my job and Terrence, life had become a hazy sequence of days blending into one another. It had been a rollercoaster of a week. Now, as I faced a seemingly endless stretch of free time, I couldn't help but feel adrift in the uncertainty of my life.

The apartment felt emptier than usual. The walls seemed to close in on me, bearing witness to the tears and heartache I had been trying to conceal.

Today was Thursday, a day like any other in my post-Terrence world. The evenings were the hardest. The empty hours stretched ahead, devoid of purpose or direction.

Sitting in my cosy yet lonely bedroom, I glanced around at the dimly lit space. The soft glow of a single lamp cast warm shadows on the walls, creating an illusion of comfort. But the truth was, my heart was far from comforted.

As the minutes ticked away, I contemplated my options. Stacey had invited me to gatherings and outings, attempts to pull me out of my self-imposed isolation. Yet, each time, I had declined, preferring the solitude of my new sanctuary.

Wrestling with the emptiness of my Thursday evening, a sudden and unexpected intrusion shattered the solitude of my bedroom. The door to my sanctuary swung open, and there stood Stacey, a whirlwind of energy and determination.

"Mirabelle!" She exclaimed, her voice filled with exasperation and concern. "I can't believe you're just sitting here again. This has to stop."

How did I not hear the front door open?

I blinked, surprised by her unannounced entrance. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on a date with Landon?"

She marched further into the room, her expression a mix of frustration and affection. "What am I doing here? I'm here to rescue you from this self-imposed exile!"

"I appreciate your concern, Stacey," I said, a hint of sadness in my voice. "But I just need some time to myself."

"Time to do what?" Stacey challenged, her arms crossed over her baby bump. "Mope around and wallow in misery? That's not healthy, Mirabelle."

She had a point, and deep down, I knew it. The isolation hadn't been helping me heal; it had only intensified the ache in my heart. But facing the world felt like an insurmountable challenge.

Before I could protest further, Stacey continued, "I've got a plan for tonight, and you're coming with me. No excuses."

"No! I don't want to stop you from going on your date." I tried getting myself out of whatever plan she had.

Stacey shook her head, her expression firm. "Mirabelle, we I are perfectly fine with this change of plans. Besides, you're not stopping anything. You're a part of our lives, and we care about you. So, get ready because we're going out tonight, and that's final."

I sighed, knowing that Stacey wouldn't back down. Her determination was both a blessing and a curse. "Alright, fine. I'll get ready." Her smile grew warmer as I agreed to join her for the evening.

As I headed to my closet to choose an outfit, Stacey took a seat on my bed. "You're going to have a great time tonight, Mirabelle. Trust me," she assured me.

I glanced at her reflection in the mirror as I rummaged through my clothes. "Where are we going, anyway?"

Stacey tapped her chin as if thinking. "Well, how about we start with a movie and then see where the night takes us?"

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