23 - Confidentiality

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Mirabelle Morrison

Still high from Terrence's midnight confession, I woke up super early to get ready for work. I couldn't wait to see him, even though we were on different floors. But like any other say, I was sure he was going to call me up to his office multiple times.

I carefully selected an outfit that balanced professionalism and style, wanting to make a lasting impression on Terrence without appearing too eager. As I slipped into the well-tailored suit and smoothed out any wrinkles, I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. While wanting to look effortlessly put together, I couldn't help but imagine Terrence's reaction when he saw me, hoping he would he notice the extra effort I put in today?

All these thoughts kept replaying in my head over and over again as I stared at the laptop in front of me. As the morning turned into afternoon and the clock ticked closer to lunchtime, I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of disappointment.

I had imagined Terrence calling me up to his office multiple times, but there was still no sign of him. Perhaps he was caught up in meetings or had other pressing matters to attend to. I tried to push away the thoughts of uncertainty and focus on my work, but my mind kept wandering back to Terrence.

Finally, just as I was about to give up hope, my phone buzzed on my desk, signalling an incoming call. My heart skipped a beat as I glanced at the screen, and to my delight, it was Terrence's name flashing across it. With a mix of anticipation and nervousness, I answered the call, trying to sound composed.

"Hi," I greeted him, trying to hide the eagerness in my voice.

"Hi," Terrence replied, his voice filled with warmth. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

"Not at all," I reassured him, my heart fluttering at the sound of his voice. "I was just going through some emails."

I had no reason to lie about what I was doing or if he had interrupted me, but I didn't want to come off desperate, like I had been idling away, waiting for him to ask for me.

Terrence chuckled softly, and I could sense the genuine amusement in his tone. "Good to hear. I actually wanted to talk to you about something. Do you have a moment to come up to my office?"

A surge of excitement coursed through me, and I quickly replied, "Absolutely, I'll be right there."

I hurriedly gathered my belongings, making sure to grab a notepad and pen, just in case someone saw me going up to his office.

"I'll be back, Gary. Mr Toussaint has called for me," I informed him before walking out of the office as fast as I could.

As I walked towards the elevator, my mind raced with various scenarios that could happen in his office and outcomes. I tried to keep my expectations in check, reminding myself to remain professional and composed. I was still at work after all.

When the door to the elevator opened, I felt the smile on my face drop. All the excitement in my system reduced to nothing as I took in Eloise's presence.

She stood there, looking as elegant and poised as ever, her eyes meeting mine briefly before she turned her attention to the elevator buttons. My heart sank, and a wave of disappointment washed over me. In the midst of all my happiness, I had forgotten that Eloise and Terrence were engaged, and seeing her now served as a harsh reminder of the boundaries that existed between us.

I stepped into the elevator, feeling a mix of emotions-awkwardness, envy, and a tinge of sadness. I tried to maintain a neutral expression, not wanting to betray the turmoil within me. Eloise seemed lost in her own thoughts, her gaze fixed on the numbers above the elevator doors as we ascended to Terrence's floor.

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