46 - Priorities

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Mirabelle Morrison

"Mirabelle!" Megan pulled me into the empty conference and locked the door after her.

"What?" I whined, but still followed.

"The rumours are true," she said, her voice hushed.

My mind immediately went to the swirling gossip about a secret relationship between a staff member and a high-level staff, which could possibly be Terrence and me. I tried to maintain composure, but I couldn't help feeling anxious.

Megan gave me a knowing look, her eyes sympathetic. "Mirabelle, it's okay. I know about you and Mr Toussaint."

My heart sank. I had tried so hard to keep our relationship hidden, knowing that it could cause trouble both professionally and personally. But it seemed like our secret had been exposed.

"How... how did you find out?" I asked, trying to gauge the extent of the damage.

"I've noticed the way you two look at each other," she replied. "And I have seen you together outside the office."

I swallowed hard, feeling a mix of fear and relief. Fear because our relationship could jeopardize both of our careers and relief because at least it was Megan who had discovered our secret so far.

"We were just trying to be discreet," I explained, hoping she would understand. "I know it's not appropriate, and it could cause a lot of talk."

Megan nodded understandingly. "I get it, but you should be careful. You know how people can be in this office. Once the rumour mill starts, it can be hard to stop. However, the rumours aren't about you and Terrence."

I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that our secret relationship wasn't the subject of the rumours spreading around the company. As a business consultant and the CEO's lover, the news of our relationship could potentially cause a lot of complications and gossip.

However, confusion washed over me. "Wait, what do you mean the rumours aren't about us? Who else could they be about?"

Megan continued, "It's actually between Mr. Turner and Helen. They've been dating for a while now, but they've managed to keep it under wraps until recently."

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. Helen Holloway was a junior staff member, and Mr. Turner was the director of the finance department. Their relationship could indeed cause some tension within the company, especially if it gave rise to the perception of favouritism by promoting her into full-time employment.

"No way!"

Megan nodded, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "I know, right? It's quite a shocker. They've been really discreet about it."

I took a moment to process the information. It was a relief that the rumours weren't about me and Terrence, but this revelation brought a new set of concerns. Helen was a junior staff member, and Mr. Turner held a powerful position within the company. Their relationship could potentially create conflicts of interest and affect the dynamics of the workplace. It was even more damaging to Helen's career.

"Does that mean-"

"Everyone's talking about Helen and wondering if her promotion was influenced by her relationship with him," Megan finished my sentence. "And you know how people can be. Even if it's not true, the perception alone could harm her reputation."

I sighed, feeling a mix of empathy for Helen and frustration with the office gossip. "This is not fair to her at all. She's a capable and talented individual, and her hard work should be recognized on its merit, not because of who she's dating."

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