50 - Greece

14 2 0

Mirabelle Morrison

As Terrence carried me out of the car, I couldn't help but stifle a yawn. "Thanks for playing chauffeur, babe. I'm still half asleep," I mumbled, my voice groggy from the early flight.

He grinned, his eyes twinkling. "Don't worry, sleepyhead. You'll be wide awake once you see where we're going."

As we headed towards the plane, I glanced around, trying to shake off my drowsiness. "I can't believe you own a plane, Terrence. This is incredible."

He chuckled. "Well, when you're planning surprises, you have to have a few tricks up your sleeve."

Stacey and Landon were a few steps ahead, hand in hand, chatting animatedly about the adventure ahead. "I can't believe we're actually doing this," Stacey exclaimed, her eyes shining.

Landon grinned. "It's about time we all got a break. And who knows, this trip might just be the perfect start for the little one," he said, gently patting Stacey's stomach.

I smiled at Stacey, excitement bubbling up. "I'm so glad you two could make it. This trip wouldn't be the same without you."

As we made our way towards the plane, I looked at Terrence with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. "So, where are we heading?"

He winked, his expression playful. "Ah, ah, that's a secret for now. Just trust me, it's going to be unforgettable."

Landon chuckled. "You've got the girls intrigued, my friend."

Once we settled into the plane, Stacey looked at me with a mischievous grin. "Ready for an adventure, sleepyhead?"

I nodded, the excitement going at par with my sleepiness. "Wake me up when we land, hmm?"

Stacey laughed softly. "Oh, don't worry. We'll make sure you're wide awake when we get there."

Landon leaned in, his voice teasing. "Or maybe we'll just carry you out of the plane, bridal style, to make sure you don't miss anything."

I chuckled, imagining that scene. "Well, as long as Terrence doesn't drop me," I said, giving Terrence a playful look.

He mock gasped. "Hey now, have a little faith in my carrying skills." I did have faith in his skills, and till today, it amazed me how well he could handle my weight.

As the plane's engines hummed steadily and the excitement buzzed in the air, Stacey leaned in to chat. "You know, I've been wondering where this surprise destination could be. Any guesses?"

I shrugged, rubbing my eyes to fend off the traces of sleep. "Honestly, I have no idea. Terrence is known for his surprises, so it could be anywhere."

Terrence joined the conversation, his tone still playful. "Well, I can promise you it's not outer space. But other than that, the possibilities are endless."

Landon chimed in, "All Stacey hoped for was somewhere with good food. She has been on a culinary journey lately."

Stacey grinned, gently nudging Landon. "Blame the little one. Baby's got good taste."

The flight continued, and the anticipation grew as we chatted about past adventures, shared memories, and the excitement of the unknown destination. Despite my sleepiness, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment and for the friends I had around me.

As the plane taxied down the runway, the pilot's voice came over the intercom, his voice steady and reassuring. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are cleared for takeoff. Please ensure your seatbelts are securely fastened and enjoy the flight."

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