31 - Friends

19 2 0

Mirabelle Morrison

Monday was here again. It was my worst day of the week, but just like the previous week, I was glowing. The memories of the weekend with Terrence still danced vividly in my mind. The date we had shared had been nothing short of magical, and its enchantment continued to linger.

As I sat at my desk, my fingers absentmindedly tapped against the keyboard, unable to focus on the tasks at hand. I couldn't help but replay the moments we had shared together.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice when Diane quietly walked into my office. She cleared her throat, bringing me back to reality, and I hastily looked up, startled.

"Oh, Diane, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there," I said, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

She smiled warmly, her eyes filled with curiosity. "No worries. You seem lost in thought. Is everything okay?"

"I had an amazing weekend. I went on a date," I admitted, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

Diane's eyes sparkled with interest. "That sounds wonderful! Tell me more. Who is this lucky person?"

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of if she knew who this person was or not. Ever since she caught Terrence and I holding hands, she hadn't said anything after. It could be that she just didn't remember due to her being drunk when she witnessed it, but I have been careful not to slip up. However, her genuine curiosity and friendly demeanour made me feel comfortable enough to share a few details without disclosing everything.

"Well, it's someone I've been getting to know recently," I replied, a playful hint of secrecy in my tone. "They're kind, thoughtful, and we have a great connection. It's been a whirlwind of emotions, and I can't help but smile whenever I think about our time together."

Her eyes widened with intrigue. "Ooh, a mystery date! That sounds exciting. I can tell you're really happy."

I nodded, a blush creeping onto my cheeks. "I am. It's been an unexpected journey so far."

Diane leaned in, her voice lowered as if we were sharing a secret. "Do you think it could be something serious?"

At her question, I felt my heart drop. I badly wished for our relationship to be serious, but I knew the possibility of that happening was less than half. I wanted to live in a fairytale world where Terrence did not get married to Eloise but instead chose me.

I took a deep breath, my voice filled with a bittersweet tone. "We're taking it slow,"

Her expression softened as if she could sense something was wrong. "That sounds like a wise approach, you know." I nodded. "Anyway, I'm going to get coffee and came to ask if you wanted me to get for you?"

I managed a small smile and replied, "Yes, please. I would love a cup of coffee, black with a splash of cream."

"You talk as if i don't already know your usual," Diane nodded, her smile returning.

I chuckled along with her, appreciating her familiarity with my coffee preferences. "Well, you know me too well, Diane. I guess I'm becoming predictable."

She grinned, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Oh, don't worry. It just means I'm paying attention. I'll be back in a jiffy with your coffee."

As Diane left my office, the weight of my thoughts and emotions settled back in. The bittersweetness of the situation lingered, reminding me of the missed opportunity to discuss Terrence's engagement and its implications for our relationship.

Part of me wished I had mustered the courage to address the topic with Terrence during our date. But in the midst of the joy and connection we shared, I didn't want to spoil the moment with the heaviness of our circumstances. I wanted to savour our time together and hold on to the happiness we had, even if it was temporary.

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