08 - Mr. Grumpy

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It's been a week and two days since the fight I had with Terrence in his car. A week since he showed up to work, which worried George a whole lot because he never skipped coming to work, aside from the famous Monday and Thursday. I was not complaining because it meant I would not have to deal with seeing him face-to-face after my childish outburst.

I had hoped to apologize for the outburst and for calling him a dick in front of his driver, but when he did not show up the next day, I did not bother dwelling on it too much. We were grown, and if he was going to allow that little insult to get to him, then he was no better than a teenager who was going through puberty.

Although I was a bit happy that he had not shown up to work, I hated the amount of work he sent via George and Kennedy to me. There were even times George would apologise for sending me files to work on late at night. I was bummed out by the fact that he did not reach out to me by himself since I was supposed to be his assistant, but I guess he had his reasons.

"I think you should go see him and check on what is going on," Kennedy admitted before munching down on the sandwich that was in her hand.

Kennedy was a sweet woman who worked in the same department as George, the Human Resources department. I would say she was in her late thirties, but the white strands of hair that were sprouting on her head could either she was older or they were just from stress. But her young skin and athletic figure made it seem like she was probably in her early twenties. However, the way she acted was far from that of an older person.

"Same," George nodded his head, agreeing with what Kennedy said. "I would have gone to see him at the guest house, but now that you are his assistant, it is not my place to do that anymore."

I scoffed. "Assistant my ass," I muttered, but the raised eyebrow from Kennedy made it known that she heard me.

"Honey, are you still sulking over the fact that he did not contact you by himself?" George asked in disbelief.

"I'm not sulking," I confess to half the truth. "If he needs me for anything aside from the files he has been sending through you or his secretary, he would contact me."

"Darling, it doesn't work that way," Kennedy said, but I did not care about what way it worked. "I say to be the bigger person and let him see that he needs you for other things and not just an assistant who sits in the office to work away on files."

"I'm beginning to think something did happen between the both of you," George admitted before sipping on his coke, my eyes widening at the sudden confession.

"What are you talking about?" Kennedy turned to look at George, who was still sipping on his drink.

"Mr Grumpy's driver came back to tell us our little angel over here," George gestured to me before continuing. "Called Grumpy a dick," Kennedy's eyes widened as she turned to look at me, shocked by what George said. "And he asked for the car to be parked so they could probably talk it out."

"Talk it out after calling him a dick?" Kennedy could not believe what she was hearing. "Girl,"

"If any other person called him a dick," George shook his head as he reached his hand out to grab his can of coke. "They'd be writing their resignation later immediately and wishing for God to take them."

I rolled my eyes as I popped a fry into my mouth. "You guys are just overreacting," they probably were not.

"There's no way you are just meeting Mr Grumpy for the first time. Did you guys ever fuck?" Kennedy was never one to mince her words, I had learnt that over the week.

"Who are we fucking?" I heard David ask from behind me.

David was another colleague of ours. He worked for the company but not in the same department as George and Kennedy. He was a lawyer and worked for the legal department. He was a very handsome man and someone that I could see myself getting attracted to but he was no match for Terrence. Why did I even have to compare both of them?

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