Chapter 3

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After your 4th period, you headed to lunch. You hadn't forgotten that you were going to find Scaramouche and sit with him. Your friend group usually split up during lunch. The boys went to go eat together, Lumi and Kuki sat with they boys, and hutao sat with you, but today, hu was sitting with the others. 

Not seeing a purple bowl cut anywhere in the cafeteria, you headed to the room reserved for 6reeze. You knew where it was because you met up with the others there sometimes. Inside, you heard someone singing. 

When you opened the door, it immediately stopped. 

"What are you doing here?"

"You can sing?" you were surprised because he usually rapped instead of sang. 

"Of course I can sing." he looked at you like you were stupid 

"You still haven't checked your messages?" at your words, he took out his phone. 

"We are not bffs. We aren't even friends!"

"Don't worry, I can fix your rude a$$ personality. Scaramouche character arc! It's going to be amazing!" you gave him a cheeky grin. 



"just get the fu** out."

"I'm eating here. If you want to leave, you can, but I'll probably follow you." he groaned. 

"Are you always this annoying?" 

Before you could reply, the door bust open. 

"Hey comrade! Oh, who's the girl?" a ginger walked in. Following him was a blonde girl. 

"Hello, I'm Y/N." 

"I'm Childe! You could also call me Ajax or Tartaglia I don't really mind." 

"Hello, I'm Signora, you can call me Rosalyne if you want."

"Get out." you looked back at the short emo. He looked really annoyed and pi$$ed off. 

"Y'all friends?" 

"Yeah. He acts like he hates us, but we all know he doesn't." the ginger replied

"How did you meet Scara?" the taller girl asked. 

"I was at Xiao's dorm when he barged in." 

"She apparently spent the night there. I got there at 8 in the morning and she was asleep on the couch." Scaramouche cut in. 

"Stop making it sound weird!" 

"Wait, are you Xiao's new girlfriend?" the question from the ginger made you laugh. 

"No. Why does everyone think that? I'm his sister." 

"Ohhhhh, so you're his sister. Both your parents are so hot by the way."

"Wtf is wrong with you?" You looked at him. Disgusted. Everyone was looking at him weirdly. 

"What? Can you really blame me? They both look like they're in their 20s." 

A/N: Your parents are Zhongli and Y/N from my other book. I'll just put in M/N but feel free to imagine any name.

Shaking your head, you moved on. 

"I suppose you two are his only friends besides my brother?" 

"Yup, he's a loner." (Childe)

"Total tusundre." (signora)

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