Chapter 6

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Week after week passed. 

You grew further from your friends to the point of muting the group chat. 

As your trust in your friends dwindled, you grew closer to Scara. 

He didn't seem to mind having you around, and his lack of friends suited you. Childe and Rosa came around every once in a while, but you didn't really mind. 

Your friends tried to approach you, but they assumed that you needed time to recover from the breakup and eventually left you alone. You wrote a lot of songs for 6reeze, but for every song you wrote, there was a sad breakup song that you ended up stashing in your drawer. Your life fell into a dull pattern. The only thing that you ended up looking forwards to each day was when you hung out with Scara. The two of you talked, but both of you avoided talking about your personal life. You didn't really mind. 



Hey Scara!


What do you want? 


That's the way you greet me? 

I'm disappointed. 😢 😔 


What do you want me to say? 

Oh hello Y/N! I was waiting all day for your text. 

You texting me brightens up my life! 

You are my will to live! 



That's so cringy what?




Stop being so dry 🙄

You're so annoying sometimes smh


Yet my contact name is still BFFL❤️ 


How'd you know?


I snuck a glance at your phone yesterday. 

And you don't seem like the kind of person to change contact names lightly.


You've seen straight through me. 

We've been friends for what? A month? 

Yet you might know me better than anyone else.


How about your family? 


I don't know. 

I haven't spoken to them in a while.

Anyway, meet you in the practice room at lunch?



See you then.

liked by you


Scara's POV

I'd noticed how she avoided calling anyone her friend except for me. I'd also noticed how she shied away from the topic of her family. I was curious, but I stuck to our unspoken promise of not talking about personal matters. I hoped I live up to her expectations of being her friend. Seemed that all her other friends, she didn't trust anymore. 

Before long, it was lunchtime. I headed to the practice room, but I paused outside when I heard singing. It was a sad song, and there was no music playing, but the voice filled up the room. 

"How long has it been? 

Since we've been done? 

We've been together for so long. 

Yet I can't bring myself.

I can't make myself. 

I can't bear to try. 

To say I'm over you. 

To say I've moved on. 

I want to say I'm over you. 

I want to say I've moved on. 

Yet why? 

Why do I still see you around every corner? 

Why does my heart still leap when you're around? 

Then I feel...

A burning in my heart. 

The pain that I feel...

When I realize~

That we're done. 

That you never loved me. 

That maybe, 

I was foolish 

Foolish to hope. 

Yet I still can't say I'm over you. 

I still can't say I've moved on. 

How pathetic am I? 

To know. 

That you've never loved me. 

Yet still feel love in my heart?" 

Here, the voice cracked. I walked in. She had dropped the paper with the lyrics on it and was just staring at the mirror. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her. 

She accepted the hug. She didn't struggle. 

She collapsed and started sobbing. She sank to the ground. Sinking down beside her, I just sat there. 

A silent companion. 

Not asking questions. 

That had been our deal from the beginning. 

If she wanted to, she'll open up. 

Until then, I would be waiting. 

Maybe one day, I'll open up about my past and present as well. 

A/N: Kind of a filler chapter to show that some time has passed and their current relationship. I kinda wrote the song like randomly, so forgive me if it's trashy. It's supposed to be just part of a song. I don't really think it's good lol. Anyway, hope you enjoyed?

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